# secnum

This package provides a macro `\setsecnum` to format section numbering intuitively.

## Usage

One can simply use `\setsecnum{A,:1.i}` to set the section numbering
format as `Alph` for the sections, `arabic` for the subsections and
`arabic.roman` for the subsubsections and
the `secnumdepth` and `tocdepth` will be 3.

If one want to set the tocdepth manually,
there is an option `tocdep` for it.

One may notice that the comma `,` plays a special role in the numbering format:
the shallower section levels will not be shown in titles of deeper levels,
but it will appear in reference labels.

## Installation

The installation is the same as usual Tex packages.

0. Put the source file `secnum.dtx` in a empty folder and go to there.

1. Run the following to create the package file `secnum.sty` (as well as this file `README.md`)

       pdfTeX secnum.dtx

2. Move the following file into proper directories searched by TeX.
   The recommended directory is


3. To produce the documentation run the following

       pdfLaTeX secnum.dtx

4. The recommended directory for the documentation is


## Download

One can also download the generated files from the [github release](https://github.com/GauSyu/secnum/releases).