% This is autotab.sty as of 5. October 1989
% written by Gabriele Kruljac
%            Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart
%            kruljac@ds0mpi11
% this style generates tabular lines from data files
% see autotab.tex for a description
% notice that the input data has to be written in valid TeX syntax
% (i.e. \_, \% and so on)
% The name of the input data file will be read from the terminal
% everytime the command \readtabline{...} is used
\typeout{Document substyle `autotab' by MPI FKF, Version 1.0 as of 5. October 1989}
\message{Please type the name of the tabular input data file:}
\read16 to\inputfile
     \read10 to\inrec
     \advance\reccount by 1