%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex

\_codedecl \_undefined {Printing Unicode-math table \string<2020-06-08>}

\_ifx\_ncharrmA\_undefined \_opwarning{No Unicode math font loaded, printing ignored}
   \_endinput \_fi

      \_ifnum#1>"10000 \_endinput \_else \_printmathsymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\_fi
      \_ifnum#1>"10000 \_printmathsymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\_fi
      \_hbox{\_hbox to2em{$#2{}$\_hss}\_hbox to3em
   \_eq \diamond\smwhtdiamond \_eq \bullet\smblkcircle \_eq \circ\vysmwhtcircle
   \_eq \bigcirc\mdlgwhtcircle \_eq \to\rightarrow \_eq \le\leq
   \_eq \ge\geq \_eq \neq\ne \_eq \emptyset\varnothing \_eq \hbar\hslash
   \_eq \land\wedge \_eq \lor\vee \_eq \owns\ni \_eq \gets\leftarrow
   \_eq \mathring\ocirc \_eq \lnot\neg \_eq \backepsilon\upbackepsilon
   \_eq \eth\matheth \_eq \dbkarow\dbkarrow \_eq \drbkarow\drbkarrow
   \_eq \hksearow\hksearrow  \_eq \hkswarow\hkswarrow

   \_typosize[7.5/9]\_normalmath \_everymath={}

   Codes U+00000 \_dots\ U+10000
   \_begmulti 3
      \_input unimath-table.opm

   Codes U+10001 \_dots\ U+1EEF1  \_let\UnicodeMathSymbol=\UnicodeMathSymbolA
   \_begmulti 4
      \_input unimath-table.opm


This file can be used for testing your Unicode-math font
and/or for printing \TeX/ sequences which can be used in math.

Load Unicode math font first (for example by `\fontfam[termes]` or by
`\loadmath{<math-font>}`) and then you
can do `\input print-unimath.opm`. The big table with all math symbols is printed.
