#!/usr/bin/ruby # csv2latex Version 1.1 2010/01/31 # # (c) 2005 Tom Counsell <tom@counsell.org> # (c) 2009, 2010 Alan Munn <amunn@msu.edu> # Licenced under the GPL # # Modified and renamed 2009-07-10 by Alan Munn <amunn@msu.edu> # Modified to allow for three different tabular packages in LaTeX # and the option of just pasting cells alone. # # Revision history: # v 1.0 2009/09/13 Initial release # v 1.1 2010/01/31 Fixed bug in Applescript and updated documentation # Removed unneeded dependency in script # # Usage: csv2latex <tablestyle> # where <tablestyle> = cells, simple, booktabs, longtable # # Converts spreadsheet tables into latex tables # # Requires Ruby 1.8, and Mac OS 10.4 although could be adapted for other platforms. # Uses the MacOS command line utilities pbcopy and pbpaste. Under linux, these could be # reimplemented with xsel and xclip # # To use, copy the spreadsheet table you want to convert to the clipboard # Run this code. # The latex code will be in the clipboard ready to paste # # To use this seamlessly with your editor, use the supplied Applescript # which will automatically paste the result into your source: # This assumes installation of the script in /usr/local/bin # Change the Applescript accordingly to reflect some other location. # #--Applescript direct # set mainList to {"cells","booktabs", "simple","longtable" } # choose from list mainList with prompt "Choose a table format" # if the result is not false then # set tablestyle to result as text # do shell script "/usr/local/bin/csv2latex" & " " & tablestyle # tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using {command down} # end if #--End of Applescript # # def escape_latex( string ) string.gsub( %r{([&$#%])} ) { '\\' + $1 } end text = `pbpaste`.gsub( /(\r?\n)|\r/, "\r" ) lines = text.split("\r") lines = lines.map { |line| line.split("\t") } columns = lines.map { |line| line.size }.max header = lines.shift if ARGV.empty? hstyle = "simple" else hstyle = ARGV[0] end pbcopy = IO.popen('pbcopy','w+') if hstyle == "longtable" pbcopy.puts "\\begin{longtable}{#{'l'*columns}}" pbcopy.puts header.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+' \\\\' pbcopy.puts "\\endfirsthead" pbcopy.puts header.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+' \\\\' pbcopy.puts "\\endhead" pbcopy.puts "\\multicolumn{#{columns}}{r}{{Continued\\ldots}} \\" pbcopy.puts "\\endfoot" pbcopy.puts "\\hline" pbcopy.puts "\\endlastfoot" pbcopy.puts else if hstyle != "cells" pbcopy.puts "\\begin{tabular}{#{'l'*columns}}" pbcopy.puts end end if hstyle == "booktabs" pbcopy.puts "\\toprule" pbcopy.puts header.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+' \\\\' pbcopy.puts "\\midrule" end if hstyle == "simple" or hstyle == "cells" pbcopy.puts header.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+' \\\\' end lines.each do |row| pbcopy.puts row.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+' \\\\' end pbcopy.puts if hstyle == "booktabs" pbcopy.puts "\\bottomrule" end if hstyle == "longtable" pbcopy.puts "\\end{longtable}" else if hstyle != "cells" pbcopy.puts "\\end{tabular}" end end pbcopy.close_write puts pbcopy.gets || "Ok. In clipboard"