#!/bin/bash # ZBLBUILD # version 0.1c # guido.milanese@unicatt.it # 2019.08.26 # # This interactive script helps in the setting of Biblatex options # # Copyright (c) 2019 Guido Milanese # License: # The LaTeX Project Public License License (LPPL) # version 1.3c or later # This work may be distributed and/or modified under the # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 # of this license or (at your option) any later version. # The latest version of this license is in # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX # version 2005/12/01 or later. # # This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. # # The Current Maintainer of this work is Guido Milanese. # # This work consists of the file zblbuild-select # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. ################ # FUNCTIONS ################ # # GENERAL: # Function to build a radiolist and save the choice doselect () { mychoice=$(zenity --width=500 --height=500 \ --list --text "${message[@]}"\ --radiolist --column "Choice" --column "Name" --column "Comment-example"\ "${myarr[@]}") retsel=$? } # Checks the value returned by previous function. # if no choice calls again 'doselect' rundoselect () { while [ -z "$mychoice" ]; do if ((retsel != 0)); then zenity --error \ --text="Cancelled -- Exiting" exit 1 fi doselect done } # resets all the global values resetall () { message= ; myarr= ; mychoice= return ; } ################ # CHECKDEP ################ # zenity installed? checkdep () { if ! type zenity > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "zenity is not installed. Exiting."; exit 1; fi } ################ # OPENPROGRAMME ################ openprogramme () { zenity --info --width="500" --height="50" --no-wrap --timeout 10 --title="ZBL-BUILD" \ --text "\n\n\n\t\t\t<big><b><span color=\"blue\">ZBL-BUILD</span></b></big> \t\t<span color=\"blue\"><b>Zenity Biblatex Build</b></span>\n Sets basic BIBLATEX options, with some options for the BIBLATEX-PHILOSOPHY styles\n version 0.1c, 2019.08.26\n <i>(c) 2019 Guido Milanese -- guido.milanese@unicatt.it</i>\n \t\tLicense: LPPL\n Warning: This utility sets a limited number of options: please refer to the <i><b>Biblatex</b></i> manual (3.12, 10.30.2018), and to the <i><b>Biblatex-Philosophy</b></i> manual (1.9.8a, 03.03.2018)" } ################ # CHOOSEFILE ################ choosefile () { # Fileyn= # resets Leaveyn=1 # the user does NOT want to leave the function Bibfile= Bibfile=`zenity --file-selection --filename="/home/$USER" --title="Select a BibTeX file"` case $? in 0) zenity --question --title="Select a BibTeX file" \ --text="Would you like to add another file?" Fileyn=$? ;; 1) zenity --question --title="Leaving?"\ --text="No file selected!\nWould you like to leave?" Leaveyn=$? Fileyn=0 ;; -1) zenity --error \ --text="Unexpected error" Fileyn=$? ;; esac # Gesamtbibfile is the complete list of files # If Bibfile is empty does not do anything # in order to avoid getting \addbibresource{} # if Bibfile is not empty: # (1) Biblayex # (1) adds "\addbibresource{" ...'}' to $Bibfile # (2) adds $Bibfile to Gesamtbibfile with "\n" # (2) Markdown # (1) changes $Bibfile to: "-\t" $Bibfile "\n" # (2) adds $Bibfile to Gesamtbibfile -- no "\n" if [ ! -z "$Bibfile" ] ; then # then Bibfile="\\\\addbibresource{$Bibfile}" ; if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then Bibfile="\\\\addbibresource{$Bibfile}" ; else Bibfile="-\t $Bibfile\n" fi if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then Gesamtbibfile="$Gesamtbibfile\n$Bibfile" else Gesamtbibfile="$Gesamtbibfile$Bibfile" fi fi if [ $Leaveyn = 0 ]; # ---------------- then return 1 # leaves if chosen fi # ---------------- if [ $Fileyn = 0 ]; # -------------- then choosefile # loops if chosen fi # -------------- } ################ # DOCHOOSEFILE ################ # simple wrap for choosefile: # in this way the message is displayed only the first time # and also adds a comment string before Gesamtbibfile (see choosefile) # if the variable is not empty dochoosefile () { zenity --info --no-wrap --title "BibTeX files" \ --text "In the next window you can choose \ one or more <b>BibTeX</b> files." choosefile if [ ! -z "$Gesamtbibfile" ]; then if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then Gesamtbibfile="%\n%BibTeX-file(s)$Gesamtbibfile"; else Gesamtbibfile=$Gesamtbibfile fi fi } ################ # FINALMESSAGE ################ # final msg before showing Biblatex configuration finalmessage () { zenity --info --no-wrap --title "Done!" \ --text "In the next window you can edit your <b>Biblatex</b> configuration \ (e.g. add options, correct your choices...) \n\ and copy/paste to your LaTeX file or YAML block. \n\ If you prefer, open and edit 'biblatex.opt' \ (in your home folder) with any text editor" } ################ # BYEBYE ################ byebye () { zenity --info --timeout="7" --title="Byebye" \ --text="\n\nThank you for using <b>ZBL-BUILD</b>!" } ################ # Csquotes ################ csquotes () { message="$Premsg 1a. Set a language for csquotes: $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "autostyle=once" "Uses the document main language"\ False "autostyle=true" "Adapts to current language"\ False "austrian=quotes" " "\ False "austrian=guillemets" " "\ False "croatian=quotes" " "\ False "croatian=guillemets" " "\ False "croatian=guillemets*" " "\ False "danish=quotes" " "\ False "danish=guillemets" " "\ False "danish=topquotes" " "\ False "english=american" " "\ False "english=british" " "\ False "french=quotes" " "\ False "french=quotes*" " "\ False "french=guillemets" " "\ False "french=guillemets*" " "\ False "german=quotes" " "\ False "german=guillemets" " "\ False "german=swiss" " "\ False "italian=guillemets" " "\ False "italian=quotes" " "\ False "norwegian=guillemets" " "\ False "norwegian=quotes" " "\ False "portuguese=portuguese" " "\ False "portuguese=brazilian" " "\ False "spanish=spanish" " "\ False "spanish=mexican" " "\ False "swedish=quotes" " "\ False "swedish=guillemets" " "\ False "swedish=guillemets*" " "\ ); rundoselect Csquotes="\usepackage[$mychoice]{csquotes}\n" resetall } ################ # Backend ################ backend () { message="$Premsg 1b. Select backend: $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "biber" "Default backend of Biblatex"\ False "bibtex" "Legacy BibTeX -- Ascii"\ False "bibtex8" "BibTeX -- Latin1"\ ); rundoselect Backend=$mychoice resetall } ################# # Style - general ################# setbasicstyle () { message="$Premsg 2. Basic style family: $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ False "authordate" "Smith 2003"\ False "authortitle" "Smith, The Book"\ False "numeric" "[1]"\ False "philosophy" "Humanities-oriented: several flavours"\ False "reading" "It simply loads the authortitle style"\ False "verbose" "J. Smith, The Book, Oxford 2003"\ False "debug" "Prints the entry key. For debugging only"\ False "draft" "Uses the entry keys in citations"\ ); rundoselect Basicstyle=$mychoice echo $Basicstyle resetall } ###################### # Style - final choice ###################### setfinalstyle () { message="$Premsg 3. Given your previous choice, select a style family $Pstmsg" if [ $Basicstyle = 'numeric' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ False "numeric" "[8, 3, 1, 7, 2]"\ False "numeric-comp" "[1���3, 7, 8]"\ False "numeric-verb" "[8]; [3]; [1]; [7]; [2]"\ False "alphabetic" "[Doe92; Doe95; Jon98]"\ False "alphabetic-verb" "[Doe92]; [Doe95]; [Jon98]"\ ); elif [ $Basicstyle = 'authordate' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ False "authoryear" "Doe 1995a; Doe 1995b; Jones 1998"\ False "authoryear-comp" "Doe 1995a,b; Jones 1998"\ False "authoryear-ibid" "Replaces repeated citations by 'ibidem'"\ False "authoryear-icomp" "Combines authoryear-comp + authoryear-ibid"\ ); elif [ $Basicstyle = 'authortitle' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ False "authortitle" "Doe, First title; Doe, Second title"\ False "authortitle-comp" "Doe, First title, Second title"\ False "authortitle-dw" "Doe: First title; Second title"\ False "authortitle-ibid" "Replaces repeated citations by 'ibidem'"\ False "authortitle-icomp" "Combines authortitle-comp + authortitle-ibid"\ False "authortitle-terse" "Prints title only if >1 titles of same author"\ False "authortitle-tcomp" "Combines authortitle-comp + authortitle-terse"\ False "authortitle-ticomp" "Combines authortitle-icomp + authortitle-terse"\ ); elif [ $Basicstyle = 'philosophy' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ False "philosophy-classic" "Knuth (1984, 1986a,b,c,d)"\ False "philosophy-modern" "Citations as classic, bibliography in blocks"\ False "philosophy-verbose" "1st citation full, then short form"\ ); elif [ $Basicstyle = 'verbose' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ False "verbose" "Doe 1995a; Doe 1995b; Jones 1998"\ False "verbose-ibid" "Replaces repeated citations by 'ibidem'"\ False "verbose-note" "Doe 1995a,b; Jones 1998"\ False "verbose-inote" "Combines authoryear-comp + authoryear-ibid"\ False "verbose-trad1" "Doe, First title; Doe, Second title"\ False "verbose-trad2" "Doe, First title, Second title"\ False "verbose-trad3" "Replaces repeated citations by 'ibidem'"\ ); elif [ $Basicstyle = 'reading' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ True "reading" "It simply loads the authortitle style"\ ); elif [ $Basicstyle = 'draft' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ True "draft" "Uses the entry keys in citations"\ ); elif [ $Basicstyle = 'debug' ]; then declare -a myarr=(\ True "debug" "Prints the entry key. For debugging only"\ ); fi rundoselect Style=$mychoice resetall } ################ # Sorting order ################ setsorting () { message="$Premsg 4. Sorting order. $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "nty" "Sort by name, title, year (default)"\ False "nyt" "Sort by name, year, title"\ False "nyvt" "Sort by name, year, volume, title"\ False "anyt" "Sort by alphabetic label, name, year, title"\ False "anyvt" "Sort by alphabetic label, name, year, volume, title"\ False "ynt" "Sort by year, name, title"\ False "ydnt" "Sort by year (descending), name, title"\ False "none" "No sort. Entries processed in citation order"\ False "debug" "Sort by entry key. For debugging only"\ ); rundoselect Sorting=$mychoice resetall } ##################### # General options? ##################### generaloptyn () { zenity --question --title="Additional options (general)" \ --text="Would you like to set some additional options?" proceed=$? # most recent variable, i.e. return of zenity dialogue if ! [ $proceed = '0' ] ; then styleoptyn ; setbibmd; dochoosefile ; printall ; byebye ; exit 0 ; # prints basic conf. & exits 0 else generaloptset ; # setbibmd fi proceed= } ##################### # Style options? ##################### styleoptyn () { zenity --question --title="Additional options for style $Basicstyle" \ --text="Would you like to set some options for <b><i>$Basicstyle</i></b>?" proceed=$? # most recent variable, i.e. return of zenity dialogue if ! [ $proceed = '0' ] ; then dochoosefile ; finalmessage ; printall ; byebye ; exit 0 ; # prints & exits 0 else styleoptset ; dochoosefile ; finalmessage ; printall ; byebye ; exit 0; fi proceed= } ########################################################## # VARIOUS TASKS ########################################################## ##################### # GENERALOPTSET ##################### # ADDITIONAL BIBLATEX COMMON OPTIONS: # sets isbn, url, doi, eprint generaloptset () { # sets a variable from zenity using command substitution S=`zenity --list --checklist --width=200 --height=200 --title="Choose the fields you wish to print" --column "Print?" --column "Fields" --separator=' ' \ FALSE Isbn \ FALSE Url \ FALSE DOI \ FALSE Eprint` ##### # sets an array from variable read -a addopt <<<$S # scans the array and sets variables for i in "${addopt[@]}" do case $i in Isbn) ISBNYN=true ;; Url) URLYN=true ;; DOI) DOIYN=true ;; Eprint) EPRINTYN=true ;; esac done # if the variables are not set, setf them to FALSE if [ -z "$ISBNYN" ]; then ISBNYN=false; fi if [ -z "$URLYN" ]; then URLYN=false; fi if [ -z "$DOIYN" ]; then DOIYN=false; fi if [ -z "$EPRINTYN" ]; then EPRINTYN=false; fi # builds a variable containing choices. # if this function was not called BLCOMMON is empty & not printed # (A) Biblatex (B) markdown # if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then BLCOMMON="%Options:common\n" BLCOMMON+="\tisbn=$ISBNYN,\n" BLCOMMON+="\turl=$URLYN,\n" BLCOMMON+="\tdoi=$DOIYN,\n" BLCOMMON+="\teprint=$EPRINTYN,\n" else BLCOMMON+="isbn=$ISBNYN," BLCOMMON+="url=$URLYN," BLCOMMON+="doi=$DOIYN," BLCOMMON+="eprint=$EPRINTYN" fi } ##################### # PHILSPEC ##################### # sets options for "philosophy" flavours # structure: if classic elif modern elif verbose philspec () { # matches line 615 echo $Style # 'if': matches the end of function if # classic [ $Style = "philosophy-classic" ] then # PHSO = philosophy style options # --------- CLASSIC ------------------- PHSO=`zenity --list --checklist --width=500 --height=225 \ --title="Classic style: see manual, p. 5" \ --text="<b>Options for philosophy-classic</b>" \ --column "True/false" --column "Fields" --column "Comment" --separator=' ' \ FALSE "square" "[] and not () in cit. and in author-year label of bibl."\ FALSE "nodate" "Prints ��nodate�� when year or date is missing"` ##### # sets an array from variable read -a sphilopt <<<$PHSO # scans the array and sets variables for i in "${sphilopt[@]}" do case $i in square) SQUAREYN=true ;; nodate) NODATEYN=true ;; esac done # if the variables are not set, sets them to FALSE if [ -z "$SQUAREYN" ]; then SQUAREYN=false; fi if [ -z "$NODATEYN" ]; then NODATEYN=false; fi # builds a variable containing choices. # if this function was not called PHSPEC is empty & not printed # for LaTeX preamble if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then PHSPEC="%Options:philosophy-classic\n" PHSPEC+="\tsquare=$SQUAREYN,\n" PHSPEC+="\tnodate=$NODATEYN," else # for YAML Markdown block PHSPEC="\n" PHSPEC+="\tsquare=$SQUAREYN," PHSPEC+="nodate=$NODATEYN," fi # end of CLASSIC style # # --------- MODERN ------------------- elif [ $Style = "philosophy-modern" ] ; then # PHSO = philosophy style options PHSO=`zenity --list --checklist --width=500 --height=225 \ --title="Philosophy-modern style: see manual, p. 5" \ --text="<b>Options for philosophy-modern</b>" \ --column "True/false" --column "Fields" --column "Comment" --separator=' ' \ FALSE "square" "[] and not () in cit. and in author-year label of bibl." \ TRUE "nodate" "Prints ��nodate�� when year or date is missing" \ FALSE "yearleft" "Prints date flushed left in bibliography" \ TRUE "restoreclassic" "Restores 'classic style': see manual, p. 17"` ##### # sets an array from variable read -a sphilopt <<<$PHSO # scans the array and sets variables for i in "${sphilopt[@]}" do case $i in square) SQUAREYN=true ;; nodate) NODATEYN=true ;; yearleft) YEARLEFTYN=true ;; restoreclassic) RESTORECLASSICYN="true\n%-->use:'\printbibliography[restoreclassic]'" ;; esac done # if the variables are not set, sets them to FALSE if [ -z "$SQUAREYN" ]; then SQUAREYN=false; fi if [ -z "$NODATEYN" ]; then NODATEYN=false; fi if [ -z "$YEARLEFTYN" ]; then YEARLEFTYN=false; fi if [ -z "$RESTORECLASSICYN" ]; then RESTORECLASSICYN=false; fi # builds a variable containing choices. # if this function was not called PHSPEC is empty & not printed # for LaTeX preamble if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then PHSPEC="%Options:philosophy-modern\n" PHSPEC+="\tsquare=$SQUAREYN,\n" PHSPEC+="\tnodate=$NODATEYN,\n" PHSPEC+="\tyearleft=$YEARLEFTYN,\n" PHSPEC+="\t%restoreclassic=$RESTORECLASSICYN,\n" # for YAML markdown block else PHSPEC="\n" PHSPEC+="\tsquare=$SQUAREYN," PHSPEC+="nodate=$NODATEYN," PHSPEC+="yearleft=$YEARLEFTYN," # PHSPEC+="restoreclassic=$RESTORECLASSICYN,\n" fi # end of MODERN style # # --------- VERBOSE ------------------- elif [ $Style = "philosophy-verbose" ]; then # PHSO = philosophy style options PHSO=`zenity --list --checklist --width=500 --height=225 \ --title="Verbose style: see manual, p. 6" \ --text="<b>Options for philosophy-verbose</b>" \ --column "True/false" --column "Fields" --column "Comment" --separator=' '\ FALSE "latinemph" "Prints ��ibid.�� italicised"\ FALSE "commacit" "Adds comma after shorttitle if follwed by ��cit.��"` ##### # sets an array from variable read -a sphilopt <<<$PHSO # scans the array and sets variables for i in "${sphilopt[@]}" do case $i in latinemph) LATINEMPHYN=true ;; commacit) COMMACITYN=true ;; esac done # if the variables are not set, setf them to FALSE if [ -z "$LATINEMPHYN" ]; then LATINEMPHYN=false; fi if [ -z "$COMMACITYN" ]; then COMMACITYN=false; fi # builds a variable containing choices. # if this function was not called BLCOMMON is empty & not printed # for LaTeX preamble if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then PHSPEC="%Options:philosophy-verbose\n" PHSPEC+="\tlatinemph=$LATINEMPHYN,\n" PHSPEC+="\tcommacit=$COMMACITYN\n" # for YAML markdown block else PHSPEC="\n" PHSPEC+="\tlatinemph=$LATINEMPHYN," PHSPEC+="commacit=$COMMACITYN," fi fi # end of PHISPEC } # matches the beginning of function: 475 ############### # STYLEOPTSET ############### # sets options style by style # --> todo -- works only for philosophy! styleoptset () { if [ $Basicstyle = "philosophy" ]; then zenity --info --no-wrap --title="Style ��$Basicstyle�� options" --text=\ "The following windows help setting the common options \n\ of style <b>��$Basicstyle��</b>.\n\ For advanced options please refer to manuals." # (a) options for basic style philosophy -- 1. true/false # PHCA = Philosophy Common Options (A) # FALSE "scauthors" "Author, editor etc. in small caps (cite/biblio)" \ # the above option deleted -- does not work any more? 2019.08.25 PHCA=`zenity --list --checklist --width=600 --height=300 --title="Global options for ��philosophy��: see manual, pp. 14-17" --column "True/false" --column "Options" --column "Comment" --separator=' ' \ FALSE "shorthandintro" "Language-specific expression e.g. ��hence-forth cited as��" \ FALSE "scauthorsbib" "Author, editor etc. in small caps (biblio only)" \ FALSE "scauthorscite" "Author, editor etc. in small caps (cite only)" \ FALSE "lowscauthors" "Author, editor etc. in lowercase small caps" \ FALSE "inbeforejournal" "Prints 'in' before journaltitle (@article)" \ FALSE "annotation" "Prints annotation field in bibliography" \ FALSE "library" "Prints library field in citations and bib."` ##### # sets an array from variable PHCA read -a phopt <<<$PHCA # scans the array and sets variables for i in "${phopt[@]}" do case $i in shorthandintro) SHORTHANDINTROYN=true ;; # scauthors) # SCAUTHORSYN=true -- removed, see above: 2019.08.25 # ;; scauthorsbib) SCAUTHORSBIBYN=true ;; scauthorscite) SCAUTHORSCITEYN=true ;; lowscauthors) LOWSCAUTHORSYN=true ;; inbeforejournal) INBEFOREJOURNALYN=true ;; annotation) ANNOTATIONYN=true ;; library) LIBRARYYN=true ;; esac done # if the variables are not set, setf them to FALSE if [ -z "$SHORTHANDINTROYN" ]; then SHORTHANDINTROYN=false; fi # if [ -z "$SCAUTHORSYN" ]; then SCAUTHORSYN=false; fi -- removed 2019.08.25 if [ -z "$SCAUTHORSBIBYN" ]; then SCAUTHORSBIBYN=false; fi if [ -z "$SCAUTHORSCITEYN" ]; then SCAUTHORSCITEYN=false; fi if [ -z "$LOWSCAUTHORSYN" ]; then LOWSCAUTHORSYN=false; fi if [ -z "$INBEFOREJOURNALYN" ]; then INBEFOREJOURNALYN=false; fi if [ -z "$ANNOTATIONYN" ]; then ANNOTATIONYN=false; fi if [ -z "$LIBRARYYN" ]; then LIBRARYYN=false; fi # (b) options for basic style philosophy -- 2. choices message="$Premsg Choose relatedformat (manual, p. 21): $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "semicolon" "The ���related��� entry is preceded by a semicolon"\ False "parens" "Puts the ���related��� entry in parentheses"\ False "brackets" "Same as the previous option but with brackets" ); rundoselect Relatedformat=$mychoice resetall message="$Premsg Choose publocformat (manual, p. 14): $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "publocyear" "Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007"\ False "locpubyear" "Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007"\ False "loccolonpub" "Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007" ); rundoselect Publocformat=$mychoice resetall message="$Premsg Choose volnumformat (manual, p. 15): $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "plain" "Journal Title, 5, 8"\ False "strings" "Journal Title, vol. 5, n. 8"\ False "parens" "Journal Title (5, 8)" ); rundoselect Volnumformat=$mychoice resetall message="$Premsg Choose volumeformat (manual, p. 15): $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "arabic" "Book Title, vol. 12"\ False "roman" "Book Title, vol. xii (lowercase)"\ False "romansc" "Book Title, vol. x���� (small caps)"\ False "Roman" "Book Title, vol. XII (uppercase)" ); rundoselect Volumeformat=$mychoice resetall message="$Premsg Choose editionformat (manual, p. 15): $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ True "arabic" "Book Title, 3�� ed."\ False "roman" "Book Title, iii ed. (lowercase)"\ False "romansc" "Book Title, ������ ed. (small caps)"\ False "Roman" "Book Title, III ed. (uppercase)"\ False "superscript" "Book Title, 2010�� (verbose only)" ); rundoselect Editionformat=$mychoice resetall philspec # builds a variable containing true/false and choices. # if this function was not called PHCOMMON is empty & not printed # If Biblatex if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then PHCOMMON="%Options:philosophy-common\n" # common 'philosophy' true/false PHCOMMON+="\tshorthandintro=$SHORTHANDINTROYN,\n" # PHCOMMON+="\tscauthors=$SCAUTHORSYN,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tscauthorsbib=$SCAUTHORSBIBYN,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tscauthorscite=$SCAUTHORSCITEYN,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tlowscauthors=$LOWSCAUTHORSYN,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tinbeforejournal=$INBEFOREJOURNALYN,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tannotation=$ANNOTATIONYN,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tlibrary=$LIBRARYYN,\n" # common 'philosophy' choices PHCOMMON+="\trelatedformat=$Relatedformat,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tpublocformat=$Publocformat,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tvolnumformat=$Volnumformat,\n" PHCOMMON+="\tvolumeformat=$Volumeformat,\n" PHCOMMON+="\teditionformat=$Editionformat,\n" else # if Markdown YAML # NB: \n\t important: if the field is left empty # no spurious \n\t will be written to the YAML block PHCOMMON="\n\t" PHCOMMON+="shorthandintro=$SHORTHANDINTROYN," # PHCOMMON+="scauthors=$SCAUTHORSYN," PHCOMMON+="scauthorsbib=$SCAUTHORSBIBYN," PHCOMMON+="scauthorscite=$SCAUTHORSCITEYN," PHCOMMON+="lowscauthors=$LOWSCAUTHORSYN," PHCOMMON+="inbeforejournal=$INBEFOREJOURNALYN," PHCOMMON+="annotation=$ANNOTATIONYN," PHCOMMON+="library=$LIBRARYYN," # common 'philosophy' choices PHCOMMON+="relatedformat=$Relatedformat," PHCOMMON+="publocformat=$Publocformat," PHCOMMON+="volnumformat=$Volnumformat," PHCOMMON+="volumeformat=$Volumeformat," PHCOMMON+="editionformat=$Editionformat," fi # end of philosophy -- default does not do anything but print a message else zenity --info --width="250" --no-wrap --title "More soon!" --text \ "\n<span color=\"blue\"><b>Additional options for style\ \n\t\t��$Basicstyle��\n\ will be available in version 0.2</b></span>" # finalmessage -- canc fi # refer to function beginning to nest IF-S! } ############# # SETBIBMD ############# setbibmd () { message="$Premsg 1. LaTeX or Markdown? $Pstmsg" declare -a myarr=(\ False "LaTeX" "LaTeX preamble"\ False "Markdown" "Markdown YAML block"\ ); rundoselect Bibmkd=$mychoice resetall } ############### # PRINTALL ############### # prepares a long variable & prints to a file # if (1) = Biblatex (2) = markdown printall () { # if LaTeX if [ $Bibmkd = "LaTeX" ]; then BLOPT="$Csquotes" BLOPT+="\\usepackage\n" BLOPT+="\t[%\n" BLOPT+="\tbackend=$Backend,\n" BLOPT+="\tstyle=$Style,\n" BLOPT+="\tsorting=$Sorting,\n" BLOPT+="$BLCOMMON" BLOPT+="$PHCOMMON" BLOPT+="$PHSPEC" BLOPT+="\t]%\n" BLOPT+="{biblatex}\n" BLOPT+="$Gesamtbibfile\n" # if YAML Markdown block else BLOPT="citation_package:\t biblatex\n" BLOPT+="biblio-style:\t $Style,backend=$Backend,\n" BLOPT+="biblatexoptions:\t |\n\t sorting=$Sorting,$BLCOMMON,$PHCOMMON,$PHSPEC" # BLOPT+="$BLCOMMON,$PHCOMMON,$PHSPEC\n" BLOPT+="\nbibliography:\n $Gesamtbibfile\n" # BLOPT="${BLOPT//,,/,}" # change double comma to single -- USELESS # BLOPT="${BLOPT//'\n\n'/'\n'}" # change double \n to single -- USELESS fi printf %b $BLOPT >biblatex.opt # now the file is read by zenity zenity --width="550" --height="600" --text-info --timeout 20 \ --title="Editable biblatex configuration" --editable \ --font=mono \ --filename=biblatex.opt } # Sets formatting codes for window titles Premsg="<big><b>" Pstmsg="</b></big>" ################ # Main ################ checkdep # check dependencies openprogramme # info, version setbibmd # sets Biblatex or MD csquotes # sets csquotes options backend # sets backend setbasicstyle # sets basic style setfinalstyle # sets final style setsorting # sets sorting order generaloptyn # additional general options y/n styleoptyn # additional style options y/n ################ # History ################ # * 0.1c # * Biblio PATH was hardcoded: bug, corrected # 2019.08.16 * 0.1b # * added author-title in general choice # * Ref. to philosophy manual updated # 2015.10.16 * 0.1a # * Added editionformat=superscript (philosophy-verbose) # * Minor improvements (e.g. English wording) # * New license: LPPL # 2015.08.25 First complete version (0.1) # 2015.08.24 Beta version # 2015.08.23 Alfa version # 2015.08.20 First draft ################ # TODO ################ # Options for more styles # Uniform windows sizes or not? ################ # BUGS ################ # printf complains about missing unicode digit for \u # but see e.g.