$Id: README 914 2024-01-07 21:48:39Z karl $
(This README file public domain.)

Documentation files for pdfTeX:

Final output:
pdftex-a.pdf       PDF at A4 paper size
pdftex-l.pdf       PDF at letter paper size

pdftex.tex         source for manual               (LaTeX)
pdftexmanual.cls   document class for manual       (LaTeX)
incl/pdfmin-src.tex   source for tiny pdf example  (plain)
incl/pdfmin-fmt.tex   source for formatting it     (ConTeXt)

Files to be kept in sync (more or less) with outside sources:
incl/fdl-1.2.tex        license text, static
incl/ini-etex.txt       .ini example, static
incl/ini-pdfetex.txt    another .ini example, static
incl/pdftexconfig.txt   example pdftex config file

Generated files:
incl/pdftex-help.txt    output of --help, must be updated by hand
incl/pdftex-syntax.tex  primitives and syntax rules, autogenerated from manual

Helper script:
syntaxform.pl         script for making incl/pdftex-syntax.tex

The Makefile has the rules for building everything.

If working on the manual, make clean removes all the temporary files.
make maintainer-clean removes everything that can be generated.