CHANGES.ENG (emTeX DISTRIBUTION)                                   09-Jul-1998

This document describes the most important changes to the emTeX

IMPORTANT NOTE: For each change to the emTeX distribution, the files
first.zip and install.dat file will be updated.  Don't forget to fetch
those files!


Directory structure

- The directory structure has been reorganized.  There are no longer
  any files in directory \emtex; executable files have been moved to
  \emtex\bin, other files to \emtex\data.  In consequence, you have to
  change your PATH.  Moreover, all files of \emtex\mfinput,
  \emtex\texinput, and \emtex\tfm have been moved to subdirectories of
  these directories

  Unfortunately, there are third-party packages which do no yet use
  the new directory structure and do not support subdirectory search.
  It is recommended to install those packages in their own tree for

- All emx stuff (with the exception of rsx) has been moved out of the
  \emtex directory tree to its own directory tree rooted at \emx
  (package emxrsx).  In consequence, you might have to change your


- Info-ZIP's UnZip is now used instead of pkunzip for unpacking ZIP
  archive files

- Packages have been rearranged, split, combined, and renamed. Some of
  the ZIP archive files do not fit on 360KB and 720KB diskettes

- Format files for TeX and base files for METAFONT are no longer
  shipped.  You have to create them yourself.  The documentation
  explains how to do that.  The new makefmt tool will assist you in
  creating TeX formats

- emremove.exe and emdelete.exe are now shipped in first.zip; these
  programs were formerly called remove.exe and delete.exe


- Both the METAFONT modes and the Computer Modern font sources have
  been changed, resulting in changed character shapes.  You should
  delete all old fonts to avoid mixing old and new shapes

- Only a collection of frequently used fonts is shipped pre-compiled.
  Missing fonts will be generated on the fly as required.  In
  consequence, you have to install METAFONT and MFjob

- The font library files have been renamed.  A base set of fonts is
  shipped in a FLI file named xx_base.fli where xx depends on the
  METAFONT mode.  You can put extra fonts into xx_more.fli.  The
  dvidrv configuration files now try to load xx_base.fli and
  xx_more.fli (instead of xx_0.fli through xx_5.fli)

- A METAFONT mode for the HP DeskJet has been added and pre-compiled
  fonts for the HP DeskJet are now available.  DeskJet users should
  switch from LJ fonts to DJ fonts.  Do not mix LJ and DJ fonts!

- Some METAFONT modes have been renamed.  You can find the new names
  in \emtex\mfinput\etc\local.mf


- Both LaTeX2e and the obsolete LaTeX 2.09 are provided

- As the order in which subdirectories are visited for locating files
  is not completely specified, you should list either
  \emtex\texinput\latex2e or \emtex\texinput\latex209 in the TEXINPUT
  environment variable, preceding \emtex\texinput! (the bang is part
  of TEXINPUT's value and enables subdirectory search).  The makefmt
  tool automatically creates batch files which temporarily adjust
  TEXINPUT appropriately.  Therefore, you don't have to set TEXINPUT
  unless you use the LaTeX format files without those batch files

New features

- Most programs now support subdirectory search: On request, either
  one level of subdirectories or the entire hierarchy of
  subdirectories of a given directory is searched for locating files.
  This feature is enabled by appending `!' or `!!', respectively, to
  the directory name listed in an environment variable.  One level of
  subdirectories is searched for the default directories

- To specify the root of the emTeX directory tree, setting one
  environment variable, EMTEXDIR, is now sufficient unless you change
  the directory structure.  However, there are some exceptions such as
  MakeIndex.  Moreover, TEXINPUT should be set to select LaTeX2e
  vs. LaTeX 2.09 (unless you use the batch files created by makefmt).
  The EMTEXDRV environment variable is history

- Long file names are now supported on OS/2's HPFS.  If a file with a
  long name cannot be found or created, its name will be truncated
  according to the `5+3.3' and `8.3' rules

- 32-bit versions of TeX, METAFONT, BibTeX, and MakeIndex are now

- The DVI drivers support more printers and have a lot of new
  features.  A screen previewer for the OS/2 Presentation Manager is
  now included.  dvimsp's job has been taken over by dvidot

- tex286.exe, mf286.exe, etc. have been renamed to tex186.exe,
  mf186.exe, etc.

- Various limits of emTeX, METAFONT, and utilities have been raised

- emTeX optionally supports the \charsubdef primitive (MLTeX)

- Programs which use graphics mode (dviscr, mf, pkedit) support
  additional graphics adapters and modes

- TeXcad is no longer Shareware

- Some documentation files are also available as OS/2 on-line manuals
  for viewing with OS/2's `view' command

- Package dvidrvma is currently not available

- IMPORTANT: The command line options of emdelete.exe (formerly called
  delete.exe) have changed


- first.zip: updated

- dvid16b?.zip, replacing dvid16a?.zip: bug in dviscr removed,
  dvipm improved

- l2input.zip, l2base.zip, and l2tools.zip: patch level 1 of LaTeX2e.
  Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!


- emxrsx.zip: New emx.dll (0.9a fix06)


- l2input.zip and l2base.zip: patch level 3 of LaTeX2e.
  Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!


- dvid16c?.zip, replacing dvid16b?.zip: various bug fixes and

- mfjob12b.zip, replacing mfjob12a.zip: use MFjob macros in templates

- bibtex4b.zip, replacing bibtex4a.zip: wizard function space increased.
  IMPORTANT: New directory structure, use `emremove' to remove package
  `bibtex4a' before installing package `bibtex4b'!

- dvisp10b.zip, replacing dvisp10a.zip: various improvements


- dvid16d?.zip, replacing dvid16c?.zip: various bug fixes (prtfaxwk, dvipm)
  and improvements (dvipm)

- web.zip: tangle's max_texts limit increased


- dvid16e?.zip, replacing dvid16d?.zip: various bug fixes

- tex4b.zip, replacing tex4a.zip: Bug fixed (Ctrl-Break), makefmt
  now sets the /o option if the `8bit' keyword is used

- mf4b.zip, replacing mf4a.zip: Bug fixed (Ctrl-Break)

- texware.zip: VFtoVP and VPtoVF enlarged


- mfjob12c.zip, replacing mfjob12b.zip: Fix bugs related to DC fonts 1.2


- emxrsx.zip: emx 0.9b


- l2input.zip, l2base.zip, and l2tools.zip: 1995/12/01 version of
  | Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!                   |

- fontdc.zip: Version 1.2
  | Please remove the old fontdc package before installing the    |
  | new one:                                                      |
  |                                                               |
  |   emremove c:\emtex\remove\fontdc.rem c:\                     |
  |                                                               |
  | Please delete all DC pixel files:                             |
  |                                                               |
  |   emdelete -s c:\texfonts\dc*.pk                              |
  |                                                               |
  | If you have installed the new fontdc package without removing |
  | the old one, delete all files in the \emtex\mfinput\dc and    |
  | \emtex\tfm\dc directories, then reinstall the fontdc package. |
  |                                                               |
  | To avoid warnings about checksum mismatches (1200), recreate  |
  | all DVI files which use DC fonts.                             |


- l2input.zip and l2base.zip: patch level 1 of LaTeX2e
  | Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!                   |


- emxrsx.zip: emx 0.9b FIX 02; new version of rsx.exe.
  (Please delete all files in \emtex\doc\rsx before unpacking emxrsx.zip!)


- emxrsx.zip: now in fact includes the new version of rsx.exe


- l2input.zip, l2base.zip and l2tools.zip: patch level 2 of LaTeX2e


- dvid16f?.zip, replacing dvid16e?.zip: various bug fixes


- german.sty: german.sty 2.5c


- emxrsx.zip: emx 0.9b FIX 04


- emxrsx.zip: emx 0.9b FIX 05


- fontdc.zip: Version 1.3
  | Please remove the old fontdc package before installing the    |
  | new one:                                                      |
  |                                                               |
  |   emremove c:\emtex\remove\fontdc.rem c:\                     |
  |                                                               |
  | Please delete all DC pixel files:                             |
  |                                                               |
  |   emdelete -s c:\texfonts\dc*.pk                              |
  |                                                               |
  | If you have installed the new fontdc package without removing |
  | the old one, delete all files in the \emtex\mfinput\dc and    |
  | \emtex\tfm\dc directories, then reinstall the fontdc package. |
  |                                                               |
  | To avoid warnings about checksum mismatches (1200), recreate  |
  | all DVI files which use DC fonts.                             |


- l2input.zip, l2base.zip, and l2tools.zip: 1995/12/01 version of
  | Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!                   |

- fontdc.zip: dc*1095.tfm are back again; creation of dx.bas with
  makebas works again

- mf4b.zip: mf4b.rem fixed

- tex4b.zip: plain.tex 3.141592


- fontdc.zip: Version 1.3 patch level 4
  | Please delete all DC pixel files:                             |
  |                                                               |
  |   emdelete -s c:\texfonts\dc*.pk                              |


- Installation program now included: install.exe, install.ovl, and

- dvid16g?.zip, replacing dvid16f?.zip: various bug fixes, support for
  EC fonts

- tex4b.zip and mf4b.zip: improvements for Windows 95 and Windows NT

- l2kurz.zip: updated

- fontec.zip, replacing fontdc.zip
  | Please remove the old fontdc package before installing the    |
  | fontec package:                                               |
  |                                                               |
  |   emremove c:\emtex\remove\fontdc.rem c:\                     |
  |                                                               |
  | Please delete all DC pixel files:                             |
  |                                                               |
  |   emdelete -s c:\texfonts\dc*.pk                              |
  |   emdelete -s c:\texfonts\tc*.pk                              |

- l2input.zip, l2base.zip, and l2tools.zip: 1996/12/01 version of
  | Please remove the old l2input package before installing the   |
  | new one:                                                      |
  |                                                               |
  |   emremove c:\emtex\remove\l2input.rem c:\                    |
  |                                                               |
  | Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!                   |

- emxrsx.zip: emx 0.9c FIX 02; new version of rsx.exe.
  (Please delete all files in \emtex\doc\rsx before unpacking emxrsx.zip!)


- l2input.zip, l2base.zip and l2tools.zip: patch level 1 of LaTeX2e

- mfjob12d.zip, replacing mfjob12c.zip: support EC fonts


- german.zip: german.sty 2.5d


- l2input.zip, l2base.zip, and l2tools.zip: 1997/06/01 version of
  | Please remove the old l2input package before installing the   |
  | new one:                                                      |
  |                                                               |
  |   emremove c:\emtex\remove\l2input.rem c:\                    |
  |                                                               |
  | Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!                   |


- texsys.cfg was missing in l2input.zip of 29-Jun-1997.


- l2input.zip, l2base.zip, and l2tools.zip: 1997/12/01 version (patch
  level 1) of LaTeX2e
  | Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!                   |

- emxrsx.zip: emx 0.9c FIX 04


- l2input.zip, l2base.zip, and l2tools.zip: 1998/06/01 version of
  | Please create new format files for LaTeX2e!                   |

- dvid16h?.zip, replacing dvid16g?.zip: various bug fixes; 32-bit
  version of dvihplj; support for EPSON Stylus Color 800


- first.zip, dvid16?.zip: Fix documentation errors, rename
  dvihplj32.exe to dvihplj3.exe, and enable dvihplj3.exe to
  print to devices under DOS

- l2base.zip: update ltnews09.tex

                  -------- End of CHANGES.ENG -------------