QUICK.ENG (emTeX DISTRIBUTION)                                     09-Jul-1998

                 Quick installation instructions for emTeX


1. Introduction
2. Installing unzip.exe
2.1. Installing unzip.exe for DOS
2.2. Installing unzip.exe for OS/2
3. Modifying autoexec.bat and config.sys
3.1 Modifying autoexec.bat and config.sys under DOS
3.2 Modifying config.sys under OS/2
4. Choosing fonts
5. Unpacking the ZIP files
6. Creating format files
7. Creating base files
8. Testing the installation
8.1. Viewing the sample output under DOS
8.2. Viewing the sample output under OS/2
8.3. Printing the sample
9. Finishing the installation

1. Introduction

These instructions tell you how to perform a quick installation of
emTeX without employing the installation program.  Please try the
installation program before attempting to install emTeX manually!

These quick installation instructions apply only if all of the
following conditions are true:

- You have a 386 CPU or better and use DOS 3.0 or later or OS/2 2.0 or
  later (including Warp).

- You want to use plain TeX or LaTeX2e.

- You don't want to generate the base fonts yourself (for instance,
  because you have the appropriate xx_base.fli file for your printer).

If at least one of these conditions do not apply or if you want to
tune your installation or if you want to know what you are doing,
please use the detailed general installation instructions in

(The quick installation instructions are provided for those who take
the general installation instructions to be too complicated -- for all
other users, the general installation instructions are recommended.)

These installation instructions assume that emTeX will be installed on
drive C: in directory \emtex and that the distribution files are on
diskettes in drive A:. If you choose to install emTeX in a different
directory or if the distribution files are in a different location,
you have to modify the commands appropriately.

2. Installing unzip.exe

If you already have unzip.exe, you can use that for unpacking the
archive files.

If you have pkunzip.exe (version 2.x), you can use that for unpacking
the archive files.  Note, however, that you have to type `pkunzip -d'
instead of `unzip'.

If you have neither unzip.exe nor pkunzip.exe (version 2.x), type the
following commands, where `c:\bin' is a directory in your PATH
(diskette 1 in drive A:).

2.1. Installing unzip.exe for DOS

Enter the following commands:

    a:\unz512x3 unzip386.exe
    ren unzip386.exe unzip.exe

2.2. Installing unzip.exe for OS/2

Enter the following commands:

    cd \bin
    a:\unz512 unzip32.exe
    ren unzip32.exe unzip.exe

3. Modifying autoexec.bat and config.sys

When adding a directory, use a semicolon to separate the new directory
from the last one.

Reboot after making these changes to autoexec.bat or config.sys.

3.1 Modifying autoexec.bat and config.sys under DOS

Add c:\emtex\bin to PATH= of autoexec.bat.

Add c:\emx\bin to PATH= of autoexec.bat.

Add the following lines to autoexec.bat:

    set emtexdir=c:\emtex
    set dvidrvfonts=c:\texfonts
    set mfjobopt=/3

Please don't use spaces! (`set emtexdir = c:\emtex' won't work!)

Set the environment variable TMP in autoexec.bat (unless already set)
by adding a line line the following one to autoexec.bat:

    set tmp=c:\temp

TMP should point to an existing scratch directory (create the
directory if it does not yet exist).

If there is a line `FILES=xx' in config.sys where xx is less than 20,
change xx to 20 or more.

If there is no line `FILES=xx' in config.sys, add this line:


Remove `BREAK=ON' from config.sys.

To avoid overflow of the environment space, add this line to
config.sys (this example assumes that DOS is installed in directory


If you already have such a line in config.sys, you might have to
increase the value of the /E option by approximately 512.  Note that
there are some versions of DOS where the syntax or semantics are
slightly different.

3.2 Modifying config.sys under OS/2

Use E, not EPM, for editing config.sys!

Add c:\emx\dll to LIBPATH= of config.sys.

Add c:\emtex\dll to LIBPATH= of config.sys.

Add c:\emtex\bin to SET PATH= of config.sys.

Add c:\emx\bin to SET PATH= of config.sys.

Add c:\emtex\help to SET HELP= of config.sys.

Add c:\emtex\book\english to SET BOOKSHELF= of config.sys.

Add the following lines to config.sys:

    set emtexdir=c:\emtex
    set dvidrvfonts=c:\texfonts
    set mfjobopt=/3

4. Choosing fonts

Depending on your printer, choose one of the following font sets:

    bj         Canon BubbleJet (360 DPI)
    dj         HP DeskJet (300 DPI)
    fax        Fax (204x196 DPI)
    fx         9-pin printers (240x216 DPI)
    ito        C.ITOH 8510A (160x144 DPI)
    lj         HP LaserJet (300 DPI)
    ljh        HP LaserJet 4 (600 DPI)
    p6h        24-pin printers (360 DPI)
    p6l        24-pin printers (180 DPI)
    p6m        24-pin printers (360x180 DPI)
    qj         HP QuietJet (192 DPI)
    sty        EPSON Stylus 800 (360 DPI)

If you do not have a printer, choose `p6l' (for a slow machine) or
`lj' (for a fast machine).

For the rest of this document, let `XX' represent the name of the font
set you have chosen.

Copy the base fonts of the font set, if you have them:

    md \texfonts
    copy a:\XX_base.fli c:\texfonts

5. Unpacking the ZIP files

Type the following commands to unpack the ZIP files.  The diskette
numbers refer to the recommandations of DISKETTE.DOC:

    c:                              --- Diskette ---
    cd \                            1440KB  1200KB
    unzip a:\first                    1       1
    unzip a:\emxrsx                   1       2
    unzip a:\dvid16h1                 2       3
    unzip a:\dvid16h2                 3       2
    unzip a:\tex4b                    4       4
    unzip a:\mf4b                     5       5
    unzip a:\fontcm                   5       6
    unzip a:\fontltx                  5       6
    unzip a:\l2input                  6       6
    unzip a:\mfjob12d                 6       7

6. Creating format files

Type the following commands to create format files:

    cd \emtex\btexfmts
    makefmt 386 plain US                    <--- if you need PLAIN TeX
    makefmt 386 latex2e US 8bit -b \emtex\bin\latex2e

7. Creating base files

Type the following commands to create the PLAIN base file:

    cd \emtex\bmfbases
    makebas 386 plain

8. Testing the installation

Type the following commands to typeset a sample document:

    md \test
    cd \test
    latex2e sample2e

The following two sections tell you how to view the sample output on
the screen (as defined above, `XX' is the name of the font set to use,
e.g. `lj').

8.1. Viewing the sample output under DOS


    v @XX sample2e

The following message will be displayed:

    Warning 1209: do you want to call MFjob to generate 1 missing font now?
    Type Y, N, or ?: 

Reply `y'.  If you have not installed fonts, computing the fonts for
the sample will take a while.

When the page shows up (white background), you can scale the output by
typing `-'.  To quit, type `q'.

8.2. Viewing the sample output under OS/2


    vp @XX sample2e

A dialog box asking

    Do you want to call MFjob to generate 1 missing font now?

will pop up.  Click on `Yes'.

Select the window titled `dvipm - sample2e'.  You can scale the output
by typing `-'.  To quit, type Alt+F4.

8.3. Printing the sample

The command to print the sample depends on your printer. See
\emtex\doc\english\dvidrv.doc for the appropriate command for your
printer, here are examples for some printers:

    prthplj sample2e                        <--- HP LaserJet, 300 DPI (lj)
    prthpljh sample2e                       <--- HP LaserJet IV, 600 DPI (ljh)
    prthpdj sample2e                        <--- HP DeskJet (lj)
    prtp6l sample2e                         <--- NEC P6, 180 DPI (p6l)
    prtp6m sample2e                         <--- NEC P6, 360x180 DPI (p6m)
    prtp6h sample2e                         <--- NEC P6, 360 DPI (p6h)
    prtlql sample2e                         <--- EPSON LQ, 180 DPI (p6l)
    prtlqm sample2e                         <--- EPSON LQ, 360x180 DPI (p6m)
    prtlqh sample2e                         <--- EPSON LQ, 360 DPI (p6h)
    prtsty sample2e                         <--- EPSON Stylus 800 (sty)
    prtfx sample2e                          <--- EPSON FX-80 (fx)
    prtbj10e sample2e                       <--- Canon BJ-10e (bj)
    prtbj300 sample2e                       <--- Canon BJ300 (bj)

See \emtex\doc\english\dvidrv.doc for additional commands (for exotic
printers, for creating drafts, for creating bitmaps).

If your printer is not connected to the default printer port (PRN),
give the printer port as second argument, for example:

    prthplj sample2e lpt2

9. Finishing the installation

Adjust the printer-model-specific margins, according to

See the general installation instructions in INSTALL.ENG for
installation of other packages and for further configuration of your

                  -------- End of QUICK.ENG -------------