README.BET (emTeX DISTRIBUTION)                                    25-Jun-1995

This file lists the changes made to the betatest stuff since 20-Mar-1995.
You can ignore this file if you have not installed any of the betatest
packages of 20-Mar-1995 through 01-Jun-1995.

Continue with README.ENG and INSTALL.ENG after reading (or skipping)
this file.

Before installing an update of a package, you should remove the
previously installed version of that package.  See INSTALL.ENG.

IMPORTANT: Recreate .fmt and .bas files after installing a new version
of TeX and METAFONT, respectively.


- Replace bibtexb2.zip with bibtexb3.zip.  bibtex32.exe has been
  enlarged, min_crossref can now be set with a command line option

- New first.zip with improved INSTALL.ENG


- IMPORTANT: texb14.zip replaces texb13.zip.  The 16-bit emTeX
  executables of texb13.zip were thoroughly broken.  The `german'
  keyword of makefmt has been renamed `German'

- mfware.zip: METAFONT modes in \emtex\mfinput\gftodvi\*.mf
  renamed for new local.mf

- latex2e.zip: LaTeX 2e distribution files moved from
  \emtex\texinput\latex2e to \emtex\dist\latex2e, `inst2e' batch file
  added.  Please delete all files from \emtex\texinput\latex2e before
  re-installing LaTeX 2e

- fontcm.zip: Some .tfm files required by LaTeX 2e were missing;
  update \emtex\mfinput\extracm\*.mf with AMSFonts 2.2, remove
  cmex9.mf from \emtex\mfinput\extracm.  This update affects the base

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- fontdc.zip: new TFM files (the old ones were out-dated and didn't
  match the MF files)

- pkedit.zip: pkedit and pkeditpm have been improved slightly

- mfjob11p.zip: dvidrv.mfj now uses dx.bas instead of dxbase.bas;
  dx.bas is not required for creating DC fonts (dxbase.mf will be
  loaded automatically if required); automatic generation of dcr17 now
  uses a design size of 17.28pt

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- mfb7.zip replaces mfb6.zip.  The most important change is mf386 no
  longer requiring RSXOPT=-Ra.  You should undo `set rsxopt=-Ra'

- New base fonts using AMSFonts 2.2

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG, README.ENG, and HELP.ENG


- mfjob11p.zip: documentation fixed: \emtex\doc\german\mfjob.doc was
  truncated, some examples of \emtex\doc\english\mfjob.doc were

- latex2e.zip: patch level 2; files moved from \emtex\dist\latex2e to

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG


- Replace mfjob11p.zip with mfjob11q.zip.  This version of MFjob no
  longer crashes if a non-existent directory is listed in the MFINPUT
  environment variable

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- fontcm.zip: cm.ini deleted; cmcsc8.tfm, cmcsc9.tfm, cmex7.tfm, and
  cmex8.tfm updated from AMSFonts 2.2 (the differences are benign --
  you don't have to fetch the new fontcm.zip if you already have
  fontcm.zip of 25-Mar-1995: see the date of \emtex\remove\fontcm.rem)


- latex2e.zip: patch level 3

- latex209.zip: latex.bat and latex.cmd removed; documentation files
  moved from \emtex\doc to \emtex\doc\latex209

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG


- dvid15i1.zip and dvid15i2.zip: Several bugs removed, subdirectory
  search is available again

- texb15.zip: Bug fixes, new maketcp, makefmt improved

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- mfjob11r.zip: support relative paths

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- dvid15j1.zip and dvid15j2.zip: Bugs fixed

- texb16.zip: makefmt bugs fixed

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- texb17.zip: makefmt bugs fixed

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- mfjob11s.zip: bugs fixed

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- mfb8.zip: epsonsty mode added, makebas improved

- mfware.zip: gftopk moved from mfware.zip to mfb8.zip

- New file sty_base.fli: base fonts for the EPSON Stylus 800

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG and README.ENG


- emxrsx.zip: New emx.dll (0.9a fix04)


- mfjob11t.zip: bug fixed

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG, README.ENG, HELP.ENG, CHANGES.GER,


- mfjob11u.zip: bug fixed

- New first.zip with updated INSTALL.ENG, README.ENG, INSTALL.GER,

25-Jun-1995 (official release)

- latex2e.zip: This package has been replaced by l2input.zip and
  l2base.zip.  l2input.zip contains the unpacked files, l2base.zip
  contains the distribution files

- l2tools.zip: New package

- fontams.zip: New package

- fontcm.zip: Some TFM files have been moved from emtex\tfm\cm to
  emtex\tfm\extracm.  dummy.tfm has been deleted (a new version is in

- german.tip: Some files have been moved from emtex\texinput\german to

- first.zip: delete.exe has been renamed emdelete.exe, remove.exe has been
  renamed emremove.exe

- tex4a.zip: The files extdef.tex, frhyph.tex, and masthyph.tex have
  been deleted; fetch them from CTAN if you need them

- mf4a.zip: The files bas.bat and bas.cmd have been deleted -- please
  use makebas

- dvid16a?.zip: New versions of emdll1x.dll, emdll1x2.dll, and

- pkedit.zip: emdll*.dll have been removed, you should install these
  files from dvid16a1.zip

                  -------- End of README.BET -------------