README.ENG (emTeX DISTRIBUTION)                                    02-Jul-1998

                   emTeX: TeX for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS


1. Introduction
2. Installing emTeX
3. Getting help
4. Distribution files
5. Version numbers
6. License
7. How do I get emTeX?
8. The author
9. Reporting bugs
10. Directories
11. File names in the emTeX system

1. Introduction

This is a complete distribution of emTeX. It replaces the previous
official emTeX distribution as well as all previous betatest packages.

IMPORTANT: See CHANGES.ENG for changes with respect to the previous
emTeX distribution.  See INSTALL.ENG for the general installation
instructions.  See QUICK.ENG for quick installation instructions.
However, using the installation program (install.exe) is recommended.

IMPORTANT: Please use the new font library files (such as lj_base.fli)
instead of the old ones (such as lj_0.fli through lj_5b.fli) as the
Computer Modern font sources and the METAFONT modes have changed.

The emTeX distribution includes the TeX typesetter, the METAFONT font
generation program, printer drivers, screen previewers, and tools like
BibTeX and MakeIndex.  It also includes the macro packages LaTeX 2.09
and LaTeX2e.  Fonts are included as pixel files and METAFONT source

Documentation for the TeX and METAFONT `programming languages' is not
included.  You can get appropriate books at libraries and book stores.
However, the emTeX distribution includes documentation for the emTeX
implementations of TeX and METAFONT.

2. Installing emTeX

You'll find the general installation instructions in INSTALL.ENG.
You'll find quick installation instructions in QUICK.ENG.  You can
avoid reading INSTALL.ENG and QUICK.ENG by using the installation
program (install.exe)!

You might want to print INSTALL.ENG file by typing

    copy a:\install.eng prn

or print QUICK.ENG by typing

    copy a:\quick.eng prn

(You don't need to print README.ENG.)

3. Getting help

You'll find some frequently asked questions with answers in
\emtex\doc\english\help.eng.  Before asking, you should read that
file.  Some don't like to be asked questions that are answered in

There is an electronic mailing list, emtex-user, for emTeX.  To get
information on how to subscribe and unsubscribe, send a message


in the body to majordomo@physik.tu-berlin.de.

4. Distribution files

    changes.eng         Changes from older versions (English)
    changes.ger         Changes from older versions (German)
    diskette.doc        How to put these files onto diskettes
    help.eng            Frequently asked questions with answers (English)
    help.ger            Frequently asked questions with answers (German)
    install.dat         Auxiliary file for install.exe
    install.eng         General installation instructions (English)
    install.exe         Installation program
    install.ger         General installation instructions (German)
    install.ovl         Auxiliary file for install.exe
    quick.eng           Quick installation instructions (English)
    quick.ger           Quick installation instructions (German)
    readme.bet          Read this if you have a betatest version installed
    readme.eng          You should read this (English)
    readme.ger          You should read this (German)
    unz512.exe          Info-ZIP's UnZip for OS/2, self-extracting archive
    unz512x3.exe        Info-ZIP's UnZip for DOS, self-extracting archive

    bibtex4b.zip        BibTeX, manages bibliography databases for LaTeX
    dvid16g1.zip        Printer drivers and screen previewers, part 1 of 2
    dvid16g2.zip        Printer drivers and screen previewers, part 2 of 2
    dvisp10b.zip        Convert a DVI file to a text file
    emxrsx.zip          emx and rsx runtime package (for tex386 etc.)
    first.zip           Documentation files and tools, to be installed first
    fontams.zip         Font source files and TFM files: AMSFonts
    fontcm.zip          Font source files and TFM files: Computer Modern
    fontec.zip          Font source files and TFM files: EC and TC fonts
    fontemsy.zip        Font source files and TFM files: em's symbol font
    fontltx.zip         Font source files and TFM files: LaTeX fonts
    german.zip          Files for typesetting documents written in German
    l2base.zip          Base distribution files of LaTeX2e
    l2input.zip         Unpacked input files of LaTeX2e
    l2kurz.zip          Brief introduction to LaTeX2e (German)
    l2tools.zip         Additional macros for LaTeX2e
    latex209.zip        LaTeX 2.09 macro package
    lkurz.zip           Brief introduction to LaTeX 2.09 (German)
    makeindx.zip        MakeIndex: generating an index for a LaTeX document
    mf4b.zip            METAFONT: generating fonts
    mfjob12d.zip        MFjob: assists METAFONT in generating fonts
    mfware.zip          Tools for font files
    pictex.zip          PiCTeX macro package
    pkedit.zip          Tool for editing pixel font files
    srcmkidx.zip        Source code for MakeIndex
    srctcad.zip         Source code for TeXcad
    tex4b.zip           emTeX typesetter
    texcad.zip          TeXcad: interactive designer for LaTeX pictures
    texware.zip         Tools for DVI and TFM files, etc.
    web.zip             WEB: literate programming in Pascal

    bj_base.fli         Base fonts for the Canon BubbleJet (360 DPI)
    dj_base.fli         Base fonts for the HP DeskJet (300 DPI)
    fax_base.fli        Base fonts for Fax (204x196 DPI)
    fx_base.fli         Base fonts for 9-pin printers (240x216 DPI)
    ito_base.fli        Base fonts for the C.ITOH 8510A (160x144 DPI)
    ljh_base.fli        Base fonts for the HP LaserJet 4 (600 DPI)
    lj_base.fli         Base fonts for the HP LaserJet (300 DPI)
    p6h_base.fli        Base fonts for 24-pin printers (360 DPI)
    p6l_base.fli        Base fonts for 24-pin printers (180 DPI)
    p6m_base.fli        Base fonts for 24-pin printers (360x180 DPI)
    qj_base.fli         Base fonts for the HP QuietJet (192 DPI)
    sty_base.fli        Base fonts for the EPSON Stylus 800 (360 DPI)

The *.eng and *.ger file can also be found in first.zip.

ljh_base.fli does not fit on a 1200KB diskette (130mm, 5.25").  You
might want to use Info-ZIP's Zip program (UnZip's companion) to
compress that file to make it fit.

5. Version numbers

    BibTeX      0.99c
    dvidrv      1.6g
    dvispell    1.0b
    DVItype     3.5
    fontlib     1.2b
    GFtoDVI     3.0
    GFtoPK      2.3
    GFtype      3.1
    METAFONT    2.718
    MFT         2.0
    MFjob       1.2d
    makedot     1.2e
    MakeIndex   2.12
    maketcp     1.1d
    PCLtoMSP    1.1a
    pkedit      1.1h
    pkeditpm    1.1a
    PKtoGF      1.0
    PKtype      2.3
    PLtoTF      3.5
    PXtoPK      2.2
    TANGLE      4.4
    TFtoPL      3.1
    TeX         3.14159
    TeXconv     1.2a
    VFtoVP      1.2
    VPtoVF      1.4
    WEAVE       4.4

    LaTeX       2.09 <25 March 1992>
    LaTeX2e     1998/06/01
    plain.tex   3.141592
    plain.mf    2.71
    german.sty  2.5d
    AMSFonts    2.2
    EC Fonts    1.0

6. License

Software written by Eberhard Mattes which is part of the emTeX
distribution may be used without restrictions.

Software written by Eberhard Mattes which is part of the emTeX
distribution may only be distributed in UNCHANGED and COMPLETE form,
including all the files listed in README.ENG's `Distribution files'
section, and only if this is done WITHOUT CHARGE (you are allowed to
omit some or all of the *.fli files).

(If you want to distribute only parts of emTeX or if you want to
charge a fee for handling etc., you have to contact the author.  In
particular, commercial distribution on CDROM or diskettes is
prohibited without explicit permission.)

For all other software of the emTeX distribution, the license
accompanying that software applies.

(In general, non-commercial use is allowed for all software
distributed with emTeX.  Apparently commercial use is restricted for
the German hyphenation patterns (ghyph31.tex) only.  In general,
distribution of unmodified and complete software is allowed if you
don't take money for use or distribution.  In particular, the files of
l2input.zip must not be distributed without the files of l2base.zip.)

No guarantee is made as to the proper functioning of the software.  No
liability will be admitted for damage resulting from using the

Instead of a list: All the trademarks used in this document and all
the other emTeX documents are registered to whoever it is that owns

7. How do I get emTeX?

- Anonymous ftp:

    ftp.dante.de                /tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex
    ftp.cdrom.com               /pub/tex/ctan/systems/msdos/emtex
    ftp.tex.ac.uk               /tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex

- Mail server:


Note that BINARY mode must be used for downloading all the files.

8. The author


    Eberhard Mattes
    Teckstrasse 81                                         (Teckstra\ss e)
    D-71696 Moeglingen                                     (M\"oglingen)

No telephone calls please!  Please inclose a self-addressed return
package with postage if you expect a response.  Read HELP.ENG first!

Electronic mail (subject to change):

    Internet:   mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de

If you want support by telephone, obtain a commercial TeX package.

9. Reporting bugs

If you find a bug please tell the author so that it can be corrected.  Please
send the following information which is needed for the task:

-   machine type (XT, AT, 386 etc.), CPU, BIOS, video card, printer
    (manufacturer and model), operating system and version number
    (note: SYSLEVEL command with OS/2).  For instance:
    AT compatible, 286, Award, Paradise VGA, DeskJet+, IBM PC-DOS 3.3 .

-   the text of the autoexec.bat and config.sys in use when the error
    occurred: if possible, with an explanation of the programs called and
    drivers installed that are not part of the operating system.

-   emTeX version

-   enough information for the error to be reproduced, if possible a
    diskette containing the appropriate files (see also dvidrv.doc).

-   the DLG file, if the error is in a driver

-   the part of the printed output which shows the error, if the error is in
    a printer driver.

Please inclose a self-addressed return package with postage if you
expect a response.

10. Directories

The following directories are created during the installation:


    This is the root directory of the emTeX directory tree.  It should
    contain only subdirectories, no files.  The EMTEXDIR environment
    variable points to this directory.


    Bibliography database for BibTeX.  The (optional) BIBINPUT
    environment variable points to this directory.


    Style files for BibTeX.  The (optional) BSTINPUT environment
    variable points to this directory.


    Executable files (that is, programs).  Add this directory to your


    METAFONT base files (macro packages such as `plain' in a
    fast-loading format) and mf.poo, for bigMETAFONT and mf386.  The
    (optional) BMFBAS environment variable points to this directory.


    OS/2 on-line manuals.  This directory has the following

        english         English manuals
        german          German manuals

    To view an OS/2 on-line manual (such as dvidrv.inf), type

        view c:\emtex\book\english\dvidrv

    If you have added c:\emtex\book\english to the BOOKSHELF
    environment variable, the following command will also work:

        view dvidrv


    TeX format files (macro packages such as LaTeX, in a fast-loading
    format) and tex.poo, for bigTeX and tex386.  The (optional)
    BTEXFMT environment variable points to this directory.


    Various configuration, parameter, and data files.  This directory
    is located via the EMTEXDIR environment variable.


    LaTeX2e distribution files.


    Dynamic link libraries for OS/2.  This directory should be listed
    in the LIBPATH statement of config.sys.


    Instructions and manuals.  The texts in this directory are
    available in one language only (English or German).


    English instructions and manuals.


    German instructions and manuals.


    Documentation for LaTeX 2.09.


    Documentation for the rsx DOS extender.  (The documentation for
    emx is in \emx\doc.)


    OS/2 on-line help files.  Presentation Manager programs use the
    files in this directory for displaying on-line help.  This
    directory should be listed in the HELP environment variable.


    TeX format files (macro packages such as LaTeX, in a fast-loading
    format) and tex.poo, for htex386.  The (optional) HTEXFMT
    environment variable points to this directory.


    Style files for MakeIndex.  To use MakeIndex style files, the
    INDEXSTYLE environment variable points to this directory, as
    MakeIndex does not use a default directory.


    Files used by the installation program.


    METAFONT base files (macro packages such as `plain' in a
    fast-loading format) and mf.poo.  The (optional) MFBAS environment
    variable points to this directory.


    Text files (font sources) which will be read by METAFONT.  This
    directory should contain only subdirectories, no files.  The
    (optional) MFINPUT environment variable points to this directory.


    Job files for MFjob.  The (optional) MFJOB environment variable
    points to this directory.


    Style files for MFT.  The filename of the style file given to MFT
    must explicitly reference this directory.


    Package contents listings for emremove.exe.


    Source code for package which must be distributed with source


    TeX format files (macro packages such as LaTeX, in a fast-loading
    format) and tex.poo.  The (optional) TEXFMT environment variable
    points to this directory.


    Text files (macro and style files) which will be read by TeX.
    This directory should contain only subdirectories, no files.  The
    (optional) TEXINPUT environment variable points to this directory.


    TFM files (TeX font metrics).  This directory should contain only
    subdirectories, no files.  The (optional) TEXTFM environment
    variable points to this directory.


    Executable files (that is, programs) of emx.  Add this directory
    to your PATH.


    OS/2 on-line manuals.  This directory should be listed in the
    BOOKSHELF environment variable.


    OS/2 dynamic link libraries of emx.  This directory should be
    listed in the LIBPATH statement of config.sys.

11. File names in the emTeX system

    .aux    Auxiliary file created and used by LaTeX
    .bak    Backup file (fontlib, pkedit)
    .bas    Fast-loading base file for METAFONT (no, not BASIC)
    .bat    Batch file (DOS)
    .bbl    Output file of BibTeX
    .bgi    Video graphics driver (used by TeXcad)
    .bib    Bibliography database for BibTeX
    .blg    Transcript file (BibTeX)
    .bmp    Bitmap file
    .bst    Bibliography style for BibTeX
    .bug    List of bugs
    .cfg    Configuration file (LaTeX2e)
    .ch     Change file (TANGLE, WEAVE and MFT)
    .clo    Document class option (LaTeX2e)
    .cls    Document class (LaTeX2e)
    .cmd    Batch file (OS/2)
    .cnf    Configuration file for dvidrv
    .dat    Data file (for makefmt, makebas, and install)
    .def    Definitions (LaTeX2e)
    .dlg    Transcript file (dvidrv)
    .dll    OS/2 dynamic link library
    .doc    Instructions (straight text) or commented sty file
    .dot    Parameter file for dvidot
    .dsb    dvispell binary parameter file
    .dsi    dvisprep input file (dvispell parameter file)
    .dtx    Documented code file
    .dvi    Device independent output of TeX
    .eng    English documentation file
    .err    Error messages and warnings (dvidrv); errata for LaTeX books
    .exe    Executable program
    .fd     Font definition file (LaTeX2e)
    .fdd    Documented source for .fd file
    .fli    Font library file (dvidrv)
    .fmt    Fast-loading format file for TeX
    .ger    German documentation file
    .gf     Font file created by METAFONT (usually .#gf)
    .gft    Default extension for the output of GFtype
    .glo    LaTeX auxiliary file for \glossary
    .hlp    OS/2 on-line help file
    .ico    OS/2 icon file
    .idx    Index entries (created by LaTeX)
    .ilg    MakeIndex transcript file
    .ind    Index entries (created by MakeIndex)
    .inf    OS/2 on-line manual
    .ins    Installation script (docstrip)
    .ist    MakeIndex style file
    .lof    LaTeX auxiliary file for \listoffigures
    .log    Transcript file (TeX and METAFONT)
    .lot    LaTeX auxiliary file for \listoftables
    .ltx    LaTeX input file
    .mac    TeXcad macro file
    .mf     Source text for a font
    .mfj    Job file for MFjob
    .mft    Style file for MFT
    .msp    Bitmap file
    .mtc    maketcp input file for a .tcp file
    .opt    TeXcad parameters
    .ovl    Overlay
    .pas    Pascal source file (TANGLE)
    .pcx    Bitmap file
    .pic    Picture environment created by TeXcad
    .pk     Compressed font file
    .pkt    Default extension for the output of PKtype
    .pl     Readable form of a TFM file
    .poo    String pool for INITEX or INIMF (pool file)
    .pxl    Font file (obsolete)
    .rem    Package contents listing for the `emremove' program
    .sty    Document style or document style option for LaTeX
    .sub    Font substitution file (dvidrv)
    .tcp    TeX code page (translation of code pages and special characters)
    .tex    TeX text
    .tfm    Symbol widths and other properties of a font (font metrics)
    .toc    Notes of LaTeX for contents
    .txt    Documentation file, instructions
    .ver    List of program versions (TeXcad)
    .vf     Virtual font (dvidrv, VFtoVP, VPtoVF)
    .vpl    Readable form of a VF file (VFtoVP and VPtoVF)
    .web    WEB source text (TANGLE and WEAVE)
    .zip    ZIP archive file (collection of compressed files)

(No claim as to completeness.)

                  -------- End of README.ENG -------------