% % macros for picture produced by "mma2ltx" % version 1.23 - 21 Jun 1995 % % Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by Giuseppe Ghib\`o (<ghibo@galileo.polito.it>) % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \typeout{Document Style `mmatext' - v1.23 (21/6/95) - (C) 1994,1995 by Giuseppe Ghibo`} % % \gdef\mma@prologue{texmma22.pro}% Mathematica v2.2 PostScript prologue file. % % \newdimen\mma@tmpdima \newdimen\mma@tmpdimb \newdimen\mma@tmpdimc \newdimen\mma@tmpdimd \newbox\mma@tmpbox % % % \mmaheaderprotrue = include the prologue file \mma@prologue (once) using % the \special{header=...}. % \mmaheaderprofalse = don't include the prologue file \mma@prologue. % \mma@proloadedtrue = the prologue \mma@prologue has been already loaded. % \mma@proloadedfalse = the prologue \mma@prologue has not been loaded. % \mma@whitebgtrue = the object will have a white background % \mma@whitebgfalse = the object will have a transparent background \newif\ifmmaheaderpro \mmaheaderprotrue \newif\ifmma@proloaded \mma@proloadedfalse \newif\ifmma@whitebg % % % \@nameedef is similar to the LaTeX command \@namedef, except it uses \edef % instead of \def. \def\@nameedef#1{\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname} % \let\ccd=\catcode \ccd`\p=12\ccd`\t=12 \def\del@dim#1pt{#1}% \ccd`\p=11\ccd`\t=11 % \def\pt@mm{0.3514598}\def\unit@mm{mm}% \def\pt@cm{0.03514598}\def\unit@cm{cm}% \def\pt@pt{1}\def\unit@pt{pt}% \def\pt@bp{0.99626401}\def\unit@bp{bp}% \def\pt@pc{0.08333333}\def\unit@pc{pc}% \def\pt@in{0.013837}\def\unit@in{in}% \def\pt@dd{0.9345719}\def\unit@dd{dd}% \def\pt@cc{0.07788099}\def\unit@cc{cc}% \def\pt@dbp{9.9626401}\def\unit@dbp{dbp}% % \def\deldim#1{\expandafter\del@dim\the#1}%trash the trailing 'pt' \def\dimtomac#1#2#3{% % \dimtomac (expands a dimension register into a macro) % #1 = a dimension register (e.g., \mydim, \dimen0, ...) % #2 = conversion factor from pt to a choosed unit or % one of mm, cm, pt, bp, pc, in, dd, cc, sp, dbp. % #3 = macro to which assign the converted value. \lowercase{\edef\convfactor{#2}} \ifx\convfactor\unit@mm\def\convfactor{\pt@mm}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@cm\def\convfactor{\pt@cm}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@pt\def\convfactor{\pt@pt}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@bp\def\convfactor{\pt@bp}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@dbp\def\convfactor{\pt@dbp}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@pc\def\convfactor{\pt@pc}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@in\def\convfactor{\pt@in}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@dd\def\convfactor{\pt@dd}\else \ifx\convfactor\unit@cc\def\convfactor{\pt@cc}\else \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \mma@tmpdima=#1% \ifx\convfactor\unit@sp\@nameedef{#3}{\number\mma@tmpdima}\else \mma@tmpdimb=\convfactor\mma@tmpdima% \@nameedef{#3}{\deldim\mma@tmpdimb}\fi }% end of dimtomac definition % % \newdimen\mma@dimunit \mma@dimunit=1bp \newdimen\mma@llx \newdimen\mma@urx \newdimen\mma@width \newdimen\mma@oldwd \newdimen\mma@lly \newdimen\mma@ury \newdimen\mma@height \newdimen\mma@oldht \newdimen\mma@x \newdimen\mma@y \newdimen\mma@deltax \newdimen\mma@deltay % \gdef\mma@wd{161}% default width in bp \gdef\mma@ht{100}% default height in bp \gdef\mma@unit{bp}% default unit = bp \mma@width=\mma@wd bp \mma@height=\mma@ht bp \mma@llx=\z@ \mma@urx=\mma@width \mma@lly=\z@ \mma@ury=\mma@height \mma@deltax=\z@ \mma@deltay=\z@ % % % ************* % * * % * mmasetpic * % * * % ************* \def\mmasetpic(#1,#2){\@ifnextchar({\mma@oldsetpic(#1,#2)}{% \mma@setpic(#1,#2)}} % \def\mma@setpic(#1,#2)[#3]#4{% % #1 = width of Mathematica PostScript picture % #2 = height of Mathematica PostScript picture % #3 = unit of measure % #4 = PostScript filename \lowercase{\edef\mma@unit{#3}} \mma@dimunit=1\mma@unit \mma@llx=\z@ \mma@urx=#1\mma@dimunit \mma@lly=\z@ \mma@ury=#2\mma@dimunit \mma@width=#1\mma@dimunit \mma@height=#2\mma@dimunit \mma@oldwd=\mma@width \mma@oldht=\mma@height \dimtomac{\mma@oldwd}{bp}{mma@wd} \dimtomac{\mma@oldht}{bp}{mma@ht} \def\mma@psname{#4} % % include the prologue file \mma@prologue at most once. \ifmma@proloaded\else \ifmmaheaderpro \@killglue\special{header=texmma22.pro} \global\mma@proloadedtrue\fi\fi } % % % *************** % * * % * mmatextfits * % * * % *************** \def\mmatextfits(#1,#2)(#3,#4){\@ifnextchar({\mma@textfits(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}{% \mma@textfits(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(0,0)}} % \def\mma@textfits(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)#7{% % #1 = x coord. % #2 = y coord. % #3 = sdx (bounding box x offs., like the Mathematica command "Text") % #4 = sdx (bounding box y offs., like the Mathematica command "Text") % #5 = extra offset to the x coord. % #6 = extra offset to the y coord. % #7 = text to fit. \setbox\mma@tmpbox=\hbox{#7} % % tmpllx = x - 1/2*wd*(sdx+1) \mma@tmpdima=#1\mma@dimunit \advance\mma@tmpdima by #5\mma@dimunit \mma@tmpdimb=#3\wd\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdimb by \wd\mma@tmpbox \divide\mma@tmpdimb by 2 \advance\mma@tmpdima by -\mma@tmpdimb \ifdim\mma@tmpdima < \mma@llx \mma@llx=\mma@tmpdima\fi % % tmplly = y - 1/2*(ht+dp)*(sdy+1) \mma@tmpdima=#2\mma@dimunit \advance\mma@tmpdima by #6\mma@dimunit \mma@tmpdimb=\ht\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdimb by \dp\mma@tmpbox \mma@tmpdimb=#4\mma@tmpdimb \advance\mma@tmpdimb by \ht\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdimb by \dp\mma@tmpbox \divide\mma@tmpdimb by 2 \advance\mma@tmpdima by -\mma@tmpdimb \ifdim\mma@tmpdima < \mma@lly \mma@lly=\mma@tmpdima\fi % % tmpurx = x - 1/2*wd*(sdx-1) \mma@tmpdima=#1\mma@dimunit \advance\mma@tmpdima by #5\mma@dimunit \mma@tmpdimb=#3\wd\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdimb by -\wd\mma@tmpbox \divide\mma@tmpdimb by 2 \advance\mma@tmpdima by -\mma@tmpdimb \ifdim\mma@tmpdima > \mma@urx \mma@urx=\mma@tmpdima\fi % % tmpury = y - 1/2*(ht+dp)*(sdy-1) \mma@tmpdima=#2\mma@dimunit \advance\mma@tmpdima by #6\mma@dimunit \mma@tmpdimb=\ht\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdimb by \dp\mma@tmpbox \mma@tmpdimb=#4\mma@tmpdimb \advance\mma@tmpdimb by -\ht\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdimb by -\dp\mma@tmpbox \divide\mma@tmpdimb by 2 \advance\mma@tmpdima by -\mma@tmpdimb \ifdim\mma@tmpdima > \mma@ury \mma@ury=\mma@tmpdima\fi % % Recalculate new picture size \mma@width=\mma@urx \advance\mma@width by -\mma@llx \mma@height=\mma@ury \advance\mma@height by -\mma@lly \mma@deltax=\mma@width \advance\mma@deltax by -\mma@oldwd \mma@deltay=\mma@height \advance\mma@deltay by -\mma@oldht }% end of \mmatextfits definition % % % ************** % * * % * mmapicture * % * * % ************** \def\mmapicture{% \bgroup \unitlength=1sp% so we can use the command \number \dimtomac{\mma@width}{\mma@unit}{mma@truewd} \dimtomac{\mma@height}{\mma@unit}{mma@trueht} \dimtomac{\mma@deltax}{\mma@unit}{mma@dx} \dimtomac{\mma@deltay}{\mma@unit}{mma@dy} \typeout{Mathematica picture:\space'\mma@psname'\space% size=(\mma@truewd\space x\space\mma@trueht\space\mma@unit)} \ifdim\mma@deltax > 0pt \typeout{Mathematica picture:\space'\mma@psname'\space% deltax=\mma@dx\space\mma@unit} \fi \ifdim\mma@deltay > 0pt \typeout{Mathematica picture:\space'\mma@psname'\space% deltay=\mma@dy\space\mma@unit} \fi \@killglue \begin{picture}(\number\mma@width,\number\mma@height)(\number\mma@llx,\number\mma@lly) \put(0,0){\special{psfile=\mma@psname\space hsize=\mma@wd\space vsize=\mma@ht}}} % \def\endmmapicture{\end{picture}\egroup} % % % ************** % * * % * mmaputtext * % * * % ************** \def\mmaputtext{\@ifstar{\mma@whitebgtrue\mma@puttext}{\mma@whitebgfalse% \mma@puttext}} \def\mma@puttext(#1,#2)(#3,#4){\@ifnextchar({\mma@@puttext(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}{% \mma@@puttext(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(0,0)}} % \def\mma@@puttext(#1,#2)(#3,#4)(#5,#6)#7{% % #1 = x coord. % #2 = y coord. % #3 = sdx (bounding box x offs., like the command "Text" of Mathematica) % #4 = sdx (bounding box y offs., like the command "Text" of Mathematica) % #5 = offset to the x coord. % #6 = offset to the y coord. % #7 = text (or object) to put. % \setbox\mma@tmpbox=\hbox{#7} \mma@x=#1\mma@dimunit \advance\mma@x by #5\mma@dimunit \mma@y=#2\mma@dimunit \advance\mma@y by #6\mma@dimunit % % xp = x - 1/2 * wd * (sdx + 1) \mma@tmpdima=#3\wd\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdima by \wd\mma@tmpbox \divide\mma@tmpdima by 2 \advance\mma@x by -\mma@tmpdima % % yp = y - 1/2*(sdy*htot + ht - dp) \mma@tmpdima=\ht\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdima by \dp\mma@tmpbox \mma@tmpdima=#4\mma@tmpdima \advance\mma@tmpdima by \ht\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdima by -\dp\mma@tmpbox \divide\mma@tmpdima by 2 \advance\mma@y by -\mma@tmpdima % \mma@tmpdimc=\dp\mma@tmpbox \ifmma@whitebg \mma@tmpdimc=\wd\mma@tmpbox \mma@tmpdimd=\ht\mma@tmpbox \advance\mma@tmpdimd by \dp\mma@tmpbox \dimtomac{\mma@tmpdimc}{bp}{mma@tmpwd} \dimtomac{\mma@tmpdimd}{bp}{mma@tmpht} \advance\mma@y by -\dp\mma@tmpbox% special{psfile=mmawhite.eps...} has zero depth \put(\number\mma@x,\number\mma@y){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\special{psfile=mmawhite.eps\space hsize=\mma@tmpwd\space vsize=\mma@tmpht}}} \advance\mma@y by \dp\mma@tmpbox\fi \put(\number\mma@x,\number\mma@y){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\box\mma@tmpbox}} }% end of \mma@puttext definition % % % For backward compatibility with mma2ltx v1.03 \def\mmashowunit#1{\gdef\mma@unit{#1}\global\mma@dimunit=1bp} % % For backward compatibility with mma2ltx v1.03 \def\mma@oldsetpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4,#5,#6)#7{% % #1 = width of Mathematica PostScript picture in bp % #2 = height of Mathematica PostScript picture in bp % #3,#4,#5,#6 = transformation matrix (never used). % #7 = PostScript filename % \mma@llx=\z@ \mma@urx=#1\mma@dimunit \mma@lly=\z@ \mma@ury=#2\mma@dimunit \mma@width=#1\mma@dimunit \mma@height=#2\mma@dimunit \mma@oldwd=\mma@width \mma@oldht=\mma@height \gdef\mma@wd{#1} \gdef\mma@ht{#2} \gdef\mma@psname{#7} \ifmma@proloaded\else \@killglue\special{header=texmma22.pro} \global\mma@proloadedtrue\fi }% end of mmaoldsetpic definition