% FLEXIBOX MACROS for LaTeX2e version 2.11,
% written by Herman Haverkort, 18 april 1995
% See end of file for information on warranty, distribution etc.

\ProvidesPackage{hhflxbox}[1995/04/18 Scalable frames]

% WARNING for those who had a hhflxbox 1.00 or 1.01: The parameter WIDTH
% for \iframe should be specified in thousands from version 1.02 on.

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\def\clap#1{\hbox to \z@{\hss #1\hss}}

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% \iframe sets isomorphous frames. Isomorphous frames are stretchable
% neither horizontally nor vertically; they are only scalable by the
% same factor in all directions.
% The syntax of \iframe is the following:
% *  IFRAME should be a macro that draws the frame in a picture environment,
%    assuming that the unitlength has been set equal to the height of the
%    area which is to contain the frame's contents.
% *  HPOS and VPOS determine the position of the frame's contents within
%    the frame; they are given by the distance between the frame's lower
%    left corner and the lower left corner of the contents area.
%    HPOS and VPOS should be in units, assuming that the unitlength is
%    the height of the contents area.
% *  WIDTH is 1000 times the width/height ratio of the frame's contents area.
% *  MINHEIGHT is the minimum height of the contents.
% *  HSTRETCH should be a macro that takes two arguments: a dimension
%    HSIZE and a box number BOX. HSTRETCH reads the box and enlarges
%    it to have width HSIZE. The following HSTRETCH macros are defined:
%    -  \ifrl  (sets the box flushed left)
%    -  \ifrr  (sets the box flushed right)
%    -  \ifrch (sets the box centered)
%    VSTRETCH does the similar thing for the vertical dimension:
%    -  \ifrt  (sets the box flushed up by increasing its depth)
%    -  \ifrb  (sets the box flushed down by increasing its height)
%    -  \ifrcv (sets the box `centerd' by increasing depth and height by
%              the same amount)
% *  UNITHEIGHT (optional) is an identifier (just some string of alphabetic
%    characters) which identifies the so-called unit height. Every time
%    a frame is set, the smaller of the contents height and the unit height
%    is set to the larger one. After compiling the entire file, the unit
%    height will have been increased to fit the largest contents which have
%    been framed with it. The unit height is then saved, and reloaded the
%    next time the file is compiled. All frames using that unit height
%    will be set to the same size then, which is determined by the largest
%    box which should fit in it.
% *  CONTENTS is what is to be framed.

\def\ifrl#1#2{\hbox to #1{\box#2\hss}}
\def\ifrr#1#2{\hbox to #1{\hss\box#2}}
\def\ifrch#1#2{\hbox to #1{\hss\box#2\hss}}
    \@tempdima #1\advance\@tempdima-\dp#2\ht#2\@tempdima \box#2}}}
    \@tempdima #1\advance\@tempdima-\ht#2\dp#2\@tempdima \box#2}}}
    \@tempdima #1\relax
    \@tempdimb #1\relax
    \advance\@tempdima \ht#2%
    \ht#2.5 \@tempdima

  % box what is to be framed:
  % determine the total height of the box
  \@tempdima\ht\@tempboxa \advance\@tempdima\dp\@tempboxa
  % if it is less than the minimum height, stretch the box vertically
  \ifdim\@tempdima<#5\setbox\@tempboxa #7{#5}{\@tempboxa}\@tempdima #5\fi
  % calculate the natural height of the box, given its width
    % if the box is lower than its natural height then stretch it vertically
    \setbox\@tempboxa #7{\@tempdimb}{\@tempboxa}\@tempdima\@tempdimb
    % if the box is higher than its natural height then stretch it horizontally
    \setbox\@tempboxa #6{#4\@tempdimb}{\@tempboxa}%
  % determine if a unit name is specified
    % if so, get the right height for the box and stretch it to the extent
    % that is necessary
    \@tempdimb\unit #8:{\@tempdima}\@tempdima\@tempdimb%
    \setbox\@tempboxa #7{\@tempdima}{\@tempboxa}%
    \setbox\@tempboxa #6{#4\@tempdimb}{\@tempboxa}%
  % calculate the unit length for the frame drawing
  \divide\@tempdima 1000
  % calculate the depth of the framed box, taking in account the
  % width of the lower frame part and the depth of the framed box
  \@tempdimb #3\@tempdima \advance\@tempdimb\dp\@tempboxa
  % and finally put it all together

% ******************************
% �         ENCIRCLING         �
% ******************************
% The first encircling macro has the following syntax:
% where the parameters are as described above.


% The second encircling macro is very much alike the first one. It also
% puts the CONTENTS in a square, which is surrounded by a circle. The
% circle, however, does not contribute anything to the size of the
% resulting box. The result of \outringbox is a box with the dimensions
% of the squared contents, causing the circle to stick out.


% Finally, \bellybox sticks out by 5% of its diameter on every side

% ******************************
% ******************************
% Stretchable frames consist of four parts: two side parts (left and right)
% and two ledger parts (top and bottom).
% The side and ledger parts are macros which take (unfortunately) a lot
% of arguments: eight to be exact. The first is the box in which the side or
% ledger part is to be set. The second is the basic width of the box to
% be framed. Imagine this is the top border of the box to be framed:
% ------*-------------------------*---.
%   #3                             #4
% The asterisks specify the part of the border that has to be spanned by
% the top ledger of the frame. The total length of this border should be
% given by the second argument of the macro. The third and the fourth
% argument should specify the distances between the ends and the
% fastening points (indicated by the asterisks). Of course these distances
% are usually zero. After the ledger has been fastened the fastening
% points should be moved, because the fastening points are considered
% to be the corners of the framed box and could be needed to position
% the side parts of the frame. Imagine a strange ledger like this one:
%   *################
%     #################################*
%       ###########################
% ------o-------------------------o---
% The asterisks indicate the new fastening points. The position of the left
% fastening point should be stored in the dimensions identified by argument
% five and seven. The fifth argument should be set to the horizontal distance
% from the left end of the framed box border to the new left fastening point.
% The seventh argument should be set to the vertical distance between the
% framed box border and the fastening point. This distance should be
% negative if the new fastening point is outside the box, which it usually
% is. Similarly, the position of the right fastening point should be
% stored in the sixth and eighth argument. Note that if a new fastening
% point is positioned to the left or right of the framed box, its
% horizontal coordinate should be set negative. For example: in the
% above figure the right fastening point sticks out horizontally, so
% the sixth argument should be set to a negative value.
% For left part macros, swap left en top, and swap right and bottom in
% the above explanation. For bottom part macros, mirror the above story
% in the horizontal axis. For right part macros, mirror the left part
% explanation in the vertical axis.
% The basic syntax of a stretchable frame call is:
%            CONTENTS
% LEFTSIDE to BOTTOMLEDGER are as explained above.
% -HORIZALIGN and |VERTALIGN are optional. If specified the aligns have
% the following syntax:
% where [MINDIM] and UNITDIM are optional (however, it does not make sense
% to omit both of them). The effect of specifying aligns is similar to
% the effect of specifying minimal heights, stretches and unit heights for
% an \iframe. The difference is that \iframe aligns work in horizontal and
% vertical direction simultaneously, while \sframe offers independent
% handling of the horizontal and vertical directions.
% \sfrsrule is a predefined macro which can be used as a left or right
% side. It draws a vertical rule with thickness \fboxrule.
% \sfrlrule does the similar thing horizontally and can be used as a
% top or bottom ledger. Note however that
%    \sframe\sfrsrule\sfrlrule\sfrsrule\sfrlrule{stuff}
% does _not_ draw a proper box around stuff. There will be no corners!
% The solution is to divide the frame constructing process in phases.
% The first phase is drawing the side parts. The second phase is
% drawing the ledger parts, taking in account the width contributed
% by the already drawn side parts. Up to four phases can be used.
% The phases can be specified simply by typing the phase number
% between brackets just before each part, for example:
%    \sframe [1]\sfrsrule [2]\sfrlrule [1]\sfrsrule [2]\sfrlrule {stuff}
% Each part for which no phase is specified will be drawn in phase four.
% To specify an empty side or ledger, specify any macro with a invalid
% phase number, e.g.: "[0]\open".
% There is a environment variant of \sframe: use
% \begin{sframed}... STUFF\end{sframed} instead of \sframe...{STUFF}.
% =============================================================================

\def\h@Isframe#1{\h@Jsframe #1\h@Ksframe}
  \@tempdima\ht\@tempboxa \addtolength\@tempdima{\dp\@tempboxa}%

\def\sfrsrule{\sfrrule{height\@tempdimq width\fboxrule}}
\def\sfrlrule{\sfrrule{height\fboxrule width\@tempdimq}}
  \sbox#2{\sfrcalclength{#3}{#4}{#5}\vrule #1}%


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% �       UTILITY FRAMES       �
% ******************************
% Separation frames consist of blank space around a box, which forces
% surrounding self-scaling boxes to stretch and leave some space between
% the surrounding frame and its contents.
% The generic seperation frame macro takes four parameters:
% A abbreviation for \mframe(MARGIN,MARGIN,MARGIN,MARGIN) is available too:
% \separbox MARGIN
% Instead of \sepbox and \separbox one can use the environment variants
% started by \begin{sepboxed} and \begin{separboxed} and ended by
% \end{sepboxed} and \end{separboxed}.

\long\def\h@Bsepbox#1{\h@Csepbox #1\h@Dsepbox}


% \broadbox{DIMENSION}{CONTENTS} sets CONTENTS in a parbox which has width
% current linewidth minus DIMENSION. Instead of \broadbox{DIMENSION}{CONTENTS}
% one can also use \begin{broadboxed}{DIMENSION}CONTENTS\end{broadboxed}.

\long\def\broadbox#1#2{\vtop{\h@leavespace{#1}\mufoff #2}\muffin}

% Putting \boxhigh in front of something that is boxed (that is: _in_ the
% box!) suppresses leading vertical blank space. \boxlow does the similar
% thing at the end of the box: put it at the end of the boxed material.



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      \advance\h@tsqo@level 1\relax
  \global\advance\h@tsqo@level 1\relax
\def\h@tsqo@currentsqueeze{\csname h@tsqo@squeeze\number\h@tsqo@level\endcsname}
    \unvbox\h@tsqo@currentsqueeze #1{#2}}}

  \global\advance\h@bsqo@level 1\relax
    \if@bsqo@zero\advance\h@bsqo@zeros 1\else\h@bsqo@zeros=0\fi}}
\def\h@bsqo@currentsqueeze{\csname h@bsqo@squeeze\number\h@bsqo@level\endcsname}


\endinput% **********************
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% This is a TeX style file by Herman Haverkort. This file is distributed
% in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without
% even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
% purpose. The author does not accept any responsability for any damage,
% loss, injury, psychosis, annoyance, marital problems, murders etc. which
% are caused by this file.
% This style file has not been tested systematically, so there are
% probably undiscoverd errors in it. If you find one, if you have
% trouble using this file, if you have a suggestion for an extension or
% another modification, or if you are just a happy user, please report
% it to:
%                       Herman Haverkort
%                       Heyenoordseweg 40
%                      NL-6813 GA  Arnhem
%                      herman@fgbbs.iaf.nl
% You are allowed to change this file, but you are not allowed to distribute
% the changed version unless you obey the following:
% -  give the changed file another name than the original one;
% -  record clearly in the changed file:
%    -  the original name of the file;
%    -  its original author;
%    -  that it is a changed version;
% -  do not remove the restrictions on distributing the file.
% You are not allowed to take money for the distribution or use of either
% this file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying
% etc.
% Have fun!