% written by Herman Haverkort, 11 april 1995.
% See end of file for information on warranty, distribution etc.

\ProvidesPackage{hhparmrk}[1995/04/11 Parallel marks]

\DeclareOption{trafficsigns}{} % obsolete

% WARNING: This package does not work properly when combined with
% hhmuf version 1.00! With later versions there is no problem.
% The parallel mark macros have been designed to mark fragments of text
% without interfering with its hierarchical structure. This
% can be extremely useful when developing texts which should be judged
% and approved repeatly by several people, such as regulations or other
% common statements. Recent changes, new proposals etc. could be
% marked easy, clearly and beautifully at the same time. Parallel marks
% could also be used to indicate levels of importance, confidentiality
% etc., without disturbing the optical appearance of the text too much
% by using different font sizes etc.
% A drawback of the parallel mark macros is that marked text fragments
% cannot be split across pages. To make such a split possible, you have
% to split the fragment yourself and mark each part seperately. Another
% way to enable splits is to use \dopars. Even then though paragraphs
% cannot be split. For more explanation on \dopars see below.
% =============================================================================
% The TEXT may be several paragraphs long. Either (LEFTSPAN( or )RIGHTSPAN)
% may be omitted. Both LEFTSPAN and RIGHTSPAN have the following syntax:
% The SIGN should be one of the mathematical delimiter symbols which are
% constructed with repeatable extensions. Examples are: ), [, |, \rgroup,
% \} and \Updownarray. The SIGN is set next to the TEXT, while the COMMENT
% is set vertically centered next to the SIGN. The WIDTH specifies the amount
% of space which is available for the SIGN and the COMMENT. The WIDTH should
% be specified by:
%   :-             which stands for the amount of space necessary if the
%                  COMMENT should not be broken across several lines (the
%                  natural width), or:
%   :{DIMENSION}   which specifies a `hard' width and may force the COMMENT
%                  to be broken across several lines, or:
%   {UNITNAME}:    which stands for the maximum natural width of all
%                  sign-comment combinations set with the same UNITNAME.
% The [OFFSET] is optional. If specified it should be a dimension surrounded
% by brackets [ and ]. The OFFSET determines the amount of indentation of
% the spanned TEXT when compared to surrounding unspanned text. If the
% OFFSET is omitted, it is set equal to the WIDTH.
% For compatibility yet another (old) syntax of \bracespan is supported:
% This has the same meaning as:
% \bracespan({SIGN}:-[OFFSET]{COMMENT}({TEXT} if SIDE = l, or
% \bracespan){SIGN}:-[OFFSET]{COMMENT}){TEXT} if SIDE = r.
% Furthermore there is a environment variant of \bracespan which consists
% of \begin{bracespanned} (with the same arguments as \bracespan, except
% for the spanned text) and \end{bracespanned}.
% =============================================================================

  \if@noskipsec\leavevmode\fi \par\mufoff
  % Store left comment in \@tempboxb and left offset in \@tempdimb
  % Store right comment in \@tempboxc and left offset in \@tempdimc
\long\def\h@Gbspan#1{\h@Hbspan #1\h@Ibspan}
  % Store total indentation in \@tempdima
  \setlength\@tempdima\@tempdimb \addtolength\@tempdima\@tempdimc
  % Type-set text to be spanned
  % Determine the vertical shift which is necessary to center the spanning
  % symbols and comments; store it in \@tempdima
  % Type-set left spanning delimiter together with comment (if present)
  % Type-set right spanning delimiter together with comment (if present)
  % Determine depth of last line of spanned text
  % Put it all together
  % Set \prevdepth to depth of last line of spanned text
  % Store delimiter at largest possible size in \@tempboxa (including
  % any surrounding space)
     \left#1\vphantom{\vrule height\paperheight}\right#2}}}%
   % If width is specified, then set the comment in a box with the
   % specified width minus the width of the largest possible delimiter
  % Calculate the width of the span; that is the width of the comment
  % plus the width of the largest possible delimiter + surrounding space
  % Execute unit width handling
  \h@ifespecified{#3}{\setlength#8{\unit {#3}:#8}}{}%
  % If offset was specified, then store the specified value, else leave
  % it so that the width is kept as offset value.

% =============================================================================
% \@makespancomment defines how a comment next to span is to be type-set.
% Redefine it if you like. By default \@makespancomment selects a smaller
% font and redefines the \@makemufmark macro which is part of the hhmuf
% package. The latter is useful if you want to use hhmuf's multinotes as
% comments, but it is not if you want to use multinotes _in_ comments!
% The same holds for normal footnotes and redefinition of \@makefnmark.
% Note that the hhmuf package is not included automatically by hhparmrk:
% if you want to use it you have to include it yourself.
% =============================================================================

  \raggedright\tolerance=200\emergencystretch=10pt\small #1\par}}

% =============================================================================
% The TEXT may be several paragraphs long. Either (LEFTSPAN( or )RIGHTSPAN)
% may be omitted. Both LEFTSPAN and RIGHTSPAN have the following syntax:
% A mark is set next to the text. The mark consists of a upper part, a
% lower part and a fill in between. The fill - if specified - should be a
% macro that takes one argument: the required size. There is one fill
% predefined: \msprule, which sets a vertical rule with width \fboxrule.
% The upper part, the lower part and the fill are horizontally aligned
% according to the specified ALIGNMENT, which should be l (left), r (right),
% i (in), o (out) or c (centered). The specifying of ALIGNMENT is optional;
% if omitted the alignment is assumed to be c (centered). i is like r for
% left spans while it is like l for right spans. Similarly o is like l
% for left spans and like r for right spans.
% MARKSEP should be a dimension which specifies the amount of space which
% is to be left between the mark and the spanned text.
% The [OFFSET] is optional. If specified it should be a dimension surrounded
% by brackets [ and ]. The OFFSET determines the amount of indentation of
% the spanned TEXT when compared to surrounding unspanned text. If the
% OFFSET is omitted, it is set equal to the width of the spanning marks.
% There is a environment variant of \markspan which consists
% of \begin{markspanned} (with the same arguments as \markspan, except for the
% spanned text) and \end{markspanned}.
% =============================================================================

  \if@noskipsec\leavevmode\fi \par\mufoff
  % Store upper left mark in \@tempboxb, lower left mark in \@tempboxc,
  % width of left marks in \@tempdimb, left offset in \@tempdimc.
\long\def\h@Imspan#1{\h@Jmspan #1\h@Kmspan}
  % By now the upper and lower left marks are stored in tempboxb and -c,
  % while the upper and lower right marks are stored in tempboxd and -e.
  % Furthermore tempdimb and tempdimc contain the width of the left mark
  % and the left offset; tempdimd and -e the right mark's width and offset.
  \setlength\@tempdima\@tempdimc \addtolength\@tempdima\@tempdime
  % Now \@tempdima will be used to store the total height of \@tempboxa;
  % \@tempdime will be used to store the amount of fill necessary
  % for the left mark
  % Compose the left mark
   \hsize\@tempdimb \offinterlineskip
   \h@markspanalign l\h@msplalign{\box\@tempboxb}%
   % Leave out the fill if there is no room
   \ifdim\@tempdime<\z@\else\h@markspanalign l\h@msplalign{\h@msplfill\@tempdime}\fi
   \h@markspanalign l\h@msplalign{\box\@tempboxc}}%
  % Now \@tempdime will be used to store the amount of fill for the right mark
  % Compose the right mark
   \hsize\@tempdimd \offinterlineskip
   \h@markspanalign r\h@mspralign{\box\@tempboxd}%
   % Leave out the fill if there is no room
   \ifdim\@tempdime<\z@\else\h@markspanalign r\h@mspralign{\h@msprfill\@tempdime}\fi
   \h@markspanalign r\h@mspralign{\box\@tempboxe}}%
  % Determine depth of last line of spanned text
  % Now put it all together
   % Realize left offset
   % Put left mark on the left (including the specified mark seperation)
   \llap{\raise\@tempdima\box\@tempboxb\kern \h@msplsep}%
   % Put right mark on the right (including the specified mark seperation)
   \rlap{\kern \h@msprsep\raise\@tempdima\box\@tempboxc}}%
  % Set \prevdepth to depth of last line of spanned text
  % Type-set upper and lower marks; make sure they have no depth to ease
  % further calculations
  % Determine the largest width of the upper and lower marks and store it
  % If offset is specified, then store the specified offset, else store
  % the calculated width increased by the mark seperation
  % Translate out/in to left/right or right/left, depending on side which
  % is handled now (specified in #1).
   \expandafter\ifx#2i\ifx l#1\def\@tempa{r}\else\def\@tempa{l}\fi
  \hbox to \hsize{%
   \expandafter\ifx\@tempa l\else\hfill\fi
   #3\expandafter\ifx\@tempa r\else\hfill\fi}}
\def\msprule#1{\vrule height #1 width \fboxrule}

% ============================================================================
% Because Frans Goddijn likes them so much I included them in the
% basis package: the trapezium frames and the readers traffic signs!
% for example: \trafficsign{\trapbox:}{Hi}{Hello world!} would produce
% the text "Hello world!", spanned by a round traffic sign saying "Hi".
% The traffic sign is supported by a post on a triangular foot and shows up
% next to the marked text in the left margin. trafficsigned is the
% environment version of \trafficsign.
% There exist asterisk version \trafficsign* and trafficsigned* which
% make the signed text indent instead of pushing the sign into the margin.
% ============================================================================


  {#2{\separbox{2pt}{\large\bf #3}}}%


% ============================================================================
% \optionframe{BEFORESKIP}{AFTERSKIP}{LABEL}{STUFF} renders stuff in a frame
% labelled with a encircled LABEL, which is typically a single character.
% BEFORESKIP and AFTERSKIP specify the amount of vertical space to be left
% before and after the frame.
% This kind of frames is called \optionframes since I first used them
% to denote optional passages in regulations which were subject to
% discussion yet.
% \begin{optionframed}{LABEL}STUFF\end{optionframed} is the environment
% version of \optionframe.
% ============================================================================

  \par \if@nobreak\else\addvspace{#1}\fi
  \fboxsep 3pt
      ({\bellybox of@optionlabel:{\separbox{1pt}{\large\bf #3}}}{}{10pt}(%

% ============================================================================
% \dopars{MACRO}
% MACRO should be a macro that takes one argument: a paragraph. Instead of
% a one argument macro you could also use a multiple argument macro, for
% which you specify all arguments but the last one, which is to contain
% the paragraph to be type-set.
% \dopars sets all following paragraphs using MACRO, until \srapod is
% encountered just after a \par (or a empty line).
% ============================================================================


% ***********************************************
% ***********************************************


  % Determine the depth of the last line of the spanned text





\endinput% **********************
% *******************************
% This is a TeX style file by Herman Haverkort. This file is distributed
% in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without
% even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
% purpose. The author does not accept any responsability for any damage,
% loss, injury, psychosis, annoyance, marital problems, murders etc. which
% are caused by this file.
% This style file has not been tested systematically, so there are
% probably undiscoverd errors in it. If you find one, if you have
% trouble using this file, if you have a suggestion for an extension or
% another modification, or if you are just a happy user, please report
% it to:
%                       Herman Haverkort
%                       Heyenoordseweg 40
%                      NL-6813 GA  Arnhem
%                      herman@fgbbs.iaf.nl
% You are allowed to change this file, but you are not allowed to distribute
% the changed version unless you obey the following:
% -  give the changed version another file name than the original one;
% -  record clearly in the changed version:
%    -  the original name of the file;
%    -  its original author;
%    -  that it is a changed version;
% -  do not remove the restrictions on distributing this file.
% You are not allowed to take money for the distribution or use of either
% this file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying
% etc.
% Have fun!