NOTE: The information below is from May 30, 1995.  It is likely to be
obsolete.  And to appease the maintainers of CTAN, references to ftp
dot tex dot ac dot uk have been removed.
These are the anonymous ftp sites that I prefer (I am in Europe and these are
the fastest sites for me)

Noweb 2.7a (only in this site in 29-May-95) 

Noweb 2.7 
(No longer available.  Try, tag v2_7,
or better yet, a version that is up to date.)

How to build Noweb 2.7a for Dos + PC386 + MKS toolkit
(my site, just for completeness, you might also want to look there for a newer
version in case some bug in my scripts has been reported and fixed)

emTeX 386 3.1415 [3c-beta12], LaTeX2e (1-Dec-94 patch level 1), Dvips 5.54
(several ftp sites must be used, see the file 'jrtex12a.avs')

Chicago LaTeX package (required by noweb/src/xdoc/guide.tex)
Assuming that you followed the instructions from the file 'jrtex12a.avs' put
the 3 files (chicago.bst, chicago.sty, chicagoa.bst) in

DJGPP (GNU software Dos port for PC 386) (empty in
21-Mar-95 due to disk crash)
The easiest way is to get the README's and FAQ (readme.1st,,
djgpp.faq), to read them, and then to get the installation program
(install.exe, install.dat) and the remaining binaries and docs (the minimum set
of files that you need is the first FAQ entry, you will also need the Make
module, and if you have a 386 without a coprocessor the 80387 emulator)

Binaries for Icon 9.0 for MsDos 386/486: 
(if you don't have lha.exe to unpack the archive you should also get it from

The MKS Toolkit for Dos is commercial software (Sorry)
Don't know which is the last version, I use 4.2 (Oct-93)
Tel: (519) 884-2251                     Mortice Kern Systems Inc.
Fax: (519) 884-8861                     35 King Street North,
Technical Advice: (519) 884-2270        Waterloo, Ontario,
Internet:               N2J 2W9
CompuServe User ID: 73260,1043          CANADA
BIX User Name: mks

GhostScript 3.12 
If you don't have a PostScript printer you might want to use GhostScript which
can take PostScript and translate it to your printer (presuming your printer is
somehow supported). See 'jrtex12a.avs' for a list of the devices in the gs.exe,
gs386.exe, gswin.exe, and gswin32s.exe binaries. Notice that gs.exe crawls when
processing noweave output (after intermediate processing by latex and dvips),
while gs386.exe is about 40 times faster (about 1 page/second in a 486
DX2-80). This speed difference does not apply to normal PostScript code it is
caused by something in the noweb code